import imp_module from SCons.Script import Glob, Dir, File, Builder, Action, Exit, Scanner import SCons # author # brief # overview # publications # license def filter(env, line): return line.replace("MODULENAME", "This module") def unmangle(value): return eval(value.get_contents()) def Publication(env, authors, title, journal, year, description=""): ret= ", ".join(authors)+", \\quote{"+title+"}, "+journal+", "+str(year)+"." if len(description) >0: ret=ret+"\n "+description+"" return ret def Website(env, url, name): return "\\external{"+url +", " + name+"}" def StandardLicense(env): return """\\external{,LGPL}. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. """ def StandardPublications(env): return [env.Publication(authors=["Daniel Russel", "Keren Lasker", "Ben Webb", "Dina Schneidman", "Javier Velázquez-Muriel", "Andrej Sali"], title="Integrative assembly modeling using IMP", journal="submitted", year=2010, description="This paper provides an overview of the key concepts in \\imp and how to apply them to biological problems."), env.Publication(authors=["Frank Alber", "Friedrich Foerster", "Dmitry Korkin", "Maya Topf", "Andrej Sali"], year=2008, title="Integrating diverse data for structure determination of macromolecular assemblies", journal="Annual Review of Biochemistry", description="This paper provides a review of the integrative structure determination methodology and various data sources that can be used.")] def _action_make_module_page(target, source, env): fh= file(target[0].path, 'w') print >> fh, '/** \\namespace '+env['IMP_MODULE_NAMESPACE'] print >> fh, " \\nosubgrouping" #print str(source[0]) #print source[0].get_contents() #print type(source[0].get_contents()) #print >> fh, "\n\\version \n"+str(env['IMP_MODULE_VERSION']) #print >> fh, "\n\\brief "+filter(env, source[1].get_contents()) if source[2].get_contents() != "None": print >> fh, "\n"+filter(env, source[2].get_contents()) print >> fh, '\n\nExamples can be found on the \\ref IMP_'+env['IMP_MODULE']+'_examples "IMP.'+env['IMP_MODULE']+' examples" page.\n' print >> fh, "\n\\section auth Author(s)\n"+", ".join(unmangle(source[0])) print >> fh, "\n\\section vers Version\n"+ str(env['IMP_MODULE_VERSION'])+"\n" if source[4].get_contents() != "None": print >> fh, "\n\\license "+source[4].get_contents() pubs= unmangle(source[3]) if pubs and len(pubs) != 0: print >> fh, "\n\\publications\n"+"\n".join([" - "+x for x in pubs]) print >> fh, "*/" fh.close() def _print_make_module_page(target, source, env): print "Making module main docpage "+str(target[0]) MakeModPage = Builder(action=Action(_action_make_module_page, _print_make_module_page))