import IMP.test from IMP.test import unittest import sys import os import re def get_unmet_module_deps(f, disabled_modules): unmet_deps = [] def check_disabled(modname): if modname.startswith("IMP.") and modname[4:] in disabled_modules: unmet_deps.append(modname[4:]) # Note that we currently only match import lines with no indentation. It is # assumed that indented imports are within try/except blocks, and thus # these examples should *not* be skipped if the module is disabled (the # script will take appropriate action in this case) import_re = re.compile('import\s+(.*?)(\s+as\s+.+)?\s*$') from_re = re.compile('from\s+(\S+)\s+import\s+(.*?)(\s+as\s+.+)?\s*$') for line in open(f): # Parse lines of the form 'import a.b, a.c (as foo)' m = import_re.match(line) if m: for modname in [x.strip() for x in',')]: check_disabled(modname) # Parse lines of the form 'from a import b, c (as foo)' m = from_re.match(line) if m: for modname in [x.strip() for x in',')]: check_disabled( + '.' + modname) return unmet_deps def scan_tested_examples(filename, tested_examples): # Not a great regex; could miss some examples, or those in subdirs r = re.compile('get_example_path\(\"([^"]+)\"\)') for line in open(filename): m = if m: tested_examples[] = None def test_example(filename, shortname, disabled_modules): skip = "pass" unmet_deps = get_unmet_module_deps(filename, disabled_modules) if len(unmet_deps) > 0: if len(unmet_deps) == 1: skip = "self.skipTest(\"module '%s' is disabled\")" % unmet_deps[0] else: skip = "self.skipTest(\"modules %s are disabled\")" \ % ", ".join(["'%s'" % x for x in unmet_deps]) exec( """class RunExample(IMP.test.TestCase): def test_run_example(self): "Run example %s" %s self.run_example("%s") return""" % (shortname, skip, filename)) return RunExample("test_run_example") global files global excluded_modules def regressionTest(): modobjs = [] tested_examples = {} for f in files: nm= os.path.split(f)[1] dir= os.path.split(f)[0] if nm.startswith("test_"): scan_tested_examples(f, tested_examples) modname = os.path.splitext(nm)[0] sys.path.insert(0, dir) modobjs.append(__import__(modname)) sys.path.pop(0) tests = [unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(o) for o in modobjs] suite = unittest.TestSuite(tests) # For all examples that don't have an explicit test to exercise them, # just run them to make sure they don't crash for f in files: nm= os.path.split(f)[1] dir= os.path.split(f)[0] if not nm.startswith("test_") and not nm in tested_examples: suite.addTest(test_example(f, nm, excluded_modules)) return suite if __name__ == "__main__": excluded_modules = sys.argv[1] files = sys.argv[2:] sys.argv=[sys.argv[0], "-v"] unittest.main(defaultTest="regressionTest", testRunner=IMP.test._TestRunner)