"""Use the Python pygments library to perform extra checks on C++ grammar.""" from pygments import token from pygments.lexers.compiled import CppLexer import re import os def check_header_file(fh_name, errors): """Check a single C++ header file""" _check_file(fh_name, True, errors) def check_cpp_file(fh_name, errors): """Check a single C++ source file""" _check_file(fh_name, False, errors) def _check_file(fh_name, header, errors): fh, filename = fh_name s = tokenize_file(fh) check_tokens(s, filename, header, errors) def tokenize_file(fh): """Use the Python pygments library to tokenize a C++ file""" code = fh.read() c = CppLexer() scan = [] for (index, tok, value) in c.get_tokens_unprocessed(code): scan.append((tok, value)) return scan def check_tokens(scan, filename, header, errors): check_comment_header(scan, filename, errors) check_eol(scan, filename, errors) if header: # Handle older versions of pygments which concatenate \n and # tokens if len(scan) >= 3 and scan[2][0] == token.Comment.Preproc \ and scan[2][1] == '\n#': scan[2] = (token.Comment.Preproc, '#') scan.insert(2, (token.Comment.Text, '\n')) check_header_start_end(scan, filename, errors) def check_comment_header(scan, filename, errors): if len(scan) < 1 or scan[0][0] not in (token.Comment, token.Comment.Multiline): errors.append('%s:1: First line should be a comment ' % filename + \ 'with a copyright notice and a description of the file') def check_eol(scan, filename, errors): if len(scan) > 0 and ((scan[-1][0] not in (token.Comment.Preproc, token.Text, token.Comment.Single)) \ or not scan[-1][1].endswith('\n')): errors.append('%s:999: No end-of-line character at the ' % filename + \ 'end of the last line in the file') # Add an EOL so other checks don't complain scan.append((token.Text, '\n')) def have_header_guard(scan): return len(scan) >= 11 \ and scan[4][0] == token.Comment.Preproc \ and scan[4][1].startswith('ifndef') \ and scan[7][0] == token.Comment.Preproc \ and scan[7][1].startswith('define') \ and scan[-3][0] == token.Comment.Preproc \ and scan[-3][1].startswith('endif') \ and scan[-2][0] in (token.Comment, token.Comment.Multiline) def header_guard_ok(scan, guard_prefix, guard_suffix): """Make sure the guard has the correct prefix and suffix, and is consistent between the #ifndef, #define and #endif lines""" guard = scan[4][1][7:] return guard.startswith(guard_prefix) and guard.endswith(guard_suffix) \ and scan[7][1] == 'define ' + guard \ and scan[-2][1] == '/* %s */' % guard def get_header_guard(filename): """Get prefix and suffix for header guard""" guard_prefix = "IMP" module = 'IMP' m = re.search('modules\/(\w+)\/', filename) if m: module = m.group(1) guard_prefix += module.upper() base = os.path.basename(filename) # For convenience remove leading module name qualifier if present for prefix in (module, '_'): if base.startswith(prefix): base = base[len(prefix):] def repl(match): return match.group(1).upper() + '_' + match.group(2) # Convert CamelCase into CAPS_SEPARATED_BY_UNDERSCORES guard_suffix = re.subn('([a-z]+|[A-Z]{2,})([A-Z0-9])', repl, base)[0].upper()[:-2] + '_H' return guard_prefix, guard_suffix def check_header_start_end(scan, filename, errors): guard_prefix, guard_suffix = get_header_guard(filename) if not have_header_guard(scan) \ or not header_guard_ok(scan, guard_prefix, guard_suffix): header_guard = guard_prefix + '_' + guard_suffix errors.append('%s:%d: Missing or incomplete header guard.' \ % (filename, 1) + """ Header files should start with a comment, then a blank line, then the rest of the file wrapped with a header guard. This must start with %s and end with %s - in between can be placed extra qualifiers, e.g. for a namespace. For example, /** Copyright and file description */ #ifndef %s #define %s ... #endif /* %s */ """ % (guard_prefix, guard_suffix, header_guard, header_guard, header_guard))