Import('env') import scons_tools.examples env= env.IMPSystem(version="SVN", authors=["Massimiliano Bonomi", "SJ Kim", "Daniel Russel"], brief="Model the yeast spindle pole body.", overview=""" """, license=env.IMPStandardLicense(), publications=[], required_modules=['core', 'atom', 'kernel'], last_imp_version=""" """, testable=True, parallelizable=True) #if env: # files= ["setup", # "sample_0", # "analyze_0"] # scons_tools.examples.add_python_example(env, "", # "General setup code common to sampling and analysis.") # scons_tools.examples.add_python_example(env, "", # "Sampling using MCCG and random starting points.") # scons_tools.examples.add_python_example(env, "", # "Cluster into 10 solutions.") # scons_tools.examples.add_page(env, "Example system code", # [x+".py" for x in files])