/** * \file Hierarchy.cpp \brief Decorator for helping deal * with a hierarchy. * * Copyright 2007-2010 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include IMPATOM_BEGIN_NAMESPACE const IMP::core::HierarchyTraits& Hierarchy::get_traits() { static IMP::core::HierarchyTraits ret("molecular_hierarchy"); return ret; } void Hierarchy::show(std::ostream &out) const { if (*this == Hierarchy()) { out << "NULL Molecular Hierarchy node"; return; } bool found=false; if (get_as_atom()) { found=true; out << get_as_atom(); } if (get_as_residue()){ found=true; out << get_as_residue(); } if (get_as_chain()) { found=true; out << get_as_chain(); } if (get_as_fragment()) { found=true; out << get_as_fragment(); } if (get_as_domain()) { found=true; out << get_as_domain(); } if (get_as_xyzr()) { found=true; out << " sphere: " << get_as_xyzr().get_sphere(); } else if (get_as_xyz()) { found=true; out << " coordinates: " << get_as_xyz().get_coordinates(); } if (!found) { out << "Hierarchy \"" << get_particle()->get_name() << "\"" << std::endl; } } namespace { #define IMP_IMPL_MATCH_TYPE(UCName, lcname, CAPSNAME) \ case CAPSNAME: \ return h.get_as_##lcname(); struct MHDMatchingType { MHDMatchingType(GetByType t): t_(t){} bool operator()(Particle *p) const { Hierarchy h= Hierarchy::decorate_particle(p); switch(t_) { IMP_FOREACH_HIERARCHY_TYPE(IMP_IMPL_MATCH_TYPE) } IMP_FAILURE("Unhandled type in get_by_type."); return false; } GetByType t_; }; } // namespace HierarchiesTemp get_by_type(Hierarchy mhd, GetByType t) { HierarchiesTemp out; gather(mhd, MHDMatchingType(t), std::back_inserter(out)); return out; } namespace { struct MatchResidueIndex { int index_; MatchResidueIndex(int i): index_(i) {} bool operator()(Particle *p) const { Hierarchy mhd(p); if (mhd.get_as_residue()) { return (mhd.get_as_residue().get_index() == index_); } else { if (mhd.get_number_of_children()==0) { if (mhd.get_as_domain()) { Domain dd= mhd.get_as_domain(); return dd.get_begin_index() <= index_ && dd.get_end_index()> index_; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } } }; } // namespace Hierarchy get_residue(Hierarchy mhd, unsigned int index) { MatchResidueIndex mi(index); IMP::core::Hierarchy hd= breadth_first_find(mhd, mi); if (hd== IMP::core::Hierarchy()) { return Hierarchy(); } else { return Hierarchy(hd); } } #define TEST_FAIL(msg) \ IMP_ERROR(msg); \ IMP_THROW(msg, BadHierarchy) namespace { struct BadHierarchy:public Exception {BadHierarchy(const char *str):Exception(str){}}; struct Validator { typedef bool result_type; bool print_info; Validator(bool pi): print_info(pi){} bool operator()(Hierarchy h, bool) { if (h.get_number_of_children() ==0) { if (!h.get_as_xyz()) { TEST_FAIL("Leaf " << h << " does not have coordinates"); } if (!h.get_as_mass()) { TEST_FAIL("Leaf " << h << " does not have mass"); } } if (h.get_as_atom() && h.get_number_of_children() != 0) { TEST_FAIL("Atoms cannot have children"); } if (h.get_as_atom()) { Atom a= h.get_as_atom(); if (a.get_atom_type().get_string().find("HET:") == std::string::npos) { try { get_residue(a); } catch (...) { TEST_FAIL("Atom " << a << " is not part of residue"); } } } if (h.get_parent() != Hierarchy()) { Hierarchy p = h.get_parent(); if ((h.get_as_atom() && !p.get_as_residue()) || (p.get_as_residue() && (h.get_as_chain() || h.get_as_domain())) ){ TEST_FAIL("Node " << h << " cannot be a child of its parent " << h.get_parent()); } } if ((h.get_as_atom() && (h.get_as_residue() || h.get_as_domain() || h.get_as_chain() || h.get_as_fragment())) || (h.get_as_residue() && (h.get_as_domain() || h.get_as_chain() || h.get_as_fragment())) || (h.get_as_fragment() && (h.get_as_domain() || h.get_as_chain())) || (h.get_as_domain() && h.get_as_chain())) { TEST_FAIL("Node cannot have more than onetype at once " << h << " " << static_cast(h.get_as_atom()) << static_cast(h.get_as_residue()) << static_cast(h.get_as_domain()) << static_cast(h.get_as_chain()) << static_cast(h.get_as_fragment())); } return true; } }; } bool Hierarchy::get_is_valid(bool print_info) const { try { IMP::core::depth_first_traversal_with_data(*this, Validator(print_info), false); } catch (const BadHierarchy &) { return false; } return true; } Hierarchy create_fragment(const HierarchiesTemp &ps) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(!ps.empty(), "Need some particles"); Hierarchy parent= ps[0].get_parent(); unsigned int index= ps[0].get_parent_index(); IMP_IF_CHECK(USAGE) { for (unsigned int i=0; i< ps.size(); ++i) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(ps[i].get_parent() == parent, "Parents don't match"); } } Particle *fp= new Particle(parent.get_particle()->get_model()); Hierarchy fd= Fragment::setup_particle(fp); for (unsigned int i=0; i< ps.size(); ++i) { parent.remove_child(ps[i]); fd.add_child(ps[i]); } parent.add_child_at(fd, index); return fd; } Bonds get_internal_bonds(Hierarchy mhd) { Particles ps= get_all_descendants(mhd); std::set sps(ps.begin(), ps.end()); Bonds ret; for (Particles::iterator pit = ps.begin(); pit != ps.end(); ++pit) { Particle *p = *pit; if (Bonded::particle_is_instance(p)) { Bonded b(p); for (unsigned int i=0; i< b.get_number_of_bonds(); ++i) { Particle *op = b.get_bonded(i).get_particle(); if (op < p && sps.find(op) != sps.end()) { ret.push_back(b.get_bond(i)); } } } } return ret; } /* Volume of two spheres overlap is Vi= pi*(r0+r1-d)^2*(d^2+2*d*r1-3*r1^2+2*d*r0+6*r0*r1-3*r0^2)/(12*d) r1=r0=r d=(1-f)*2*r v=4/3pir^3*n-(n-1)Vi n=.5*(3*V+2*PI*r^3*f^3-6*PI*r^3*f^2)/((-3*f^2+f^3+2)*r^3*PI) */ core::RigidBody setup_as_rigid_body(Hierarchy h) { core::XYZs leaves(get_leaves(h)); core::RigidBody rbd = core::RigidBody::setup_particle(h, leaves); rbd.set_coordinates_are_optimized(true); Particles internal= core::get_internal(h); for (unsigned int i=0; i< internal.size(); ++i) { if (internal[i] != h) { core::RigidMembers leaves(get_leaves(Hierarchy(internal[i]))); core::RigidBody::setup_particle(internal[i], leaves); } } return rbd; } namespace { Hierarchy clone_internal(Hierarchy d, std::map &map, bool recurse) { Particle *p= new Particle(d.get_model()); map[d.get_particle()]=p; Hierarchy nd; if (Atom::particle_is_instance(d.get_particle())) { nd= Atom::setup_particle(p, Atom(d.get_particle())); } if (Residue::particle_is_instance(d.get_particle())) { nd= Residue::setup_particle(p, Residue(d.get_particle())); } if (Domain::particle_is_instance(d.get_particle())) { nd= Domain::setup_particle(p, Domain(d.get_particle())); } if (Chain::particle_is_instance(d.get_particle())) { nd= Chain::setup_particle(p, Chain(d.get_particle())); } if (Fragment::particle_is_instance(d.get_particle())) { nd= Fragment::setup_particle(p, Fragment(d.get_particle())); } if (nd== Hierarchy()) nd=Hierarchy::setup_particle(p); using core::XYZ; using core::XYZR; if (XYZR::particle_is_instance(d.get_particle())){ XYZR::setup_particle(p, algebra::SphereD<3>(XYZ(d.get_particle()) .get_coordinates(), XYZR(d.get_particle()) .get_radius())); } else if (XYZ::particle_is_instance(d.get_particle())) { XYZ::setup_particle(p, XYZ(d.get_particle()).get_coordinates()); } p->set_name(d.get_particle()->get_name()); if (recurse) { for (unsigned int i=0 ;i< d.get_number_of_children(); ++i) { Hierarchy nc= clone_internal(d.get_child(i), map, true); nd.add_child(nc); } } return nd; } } Hierarchy create_clone(Hierarchy d) { std::map map; Hierarchy nh= clone_internal(d, map, true); Bonds bds= get_internal_bonds(d); for (unsigned int i=0; i< bds.size(); ++i) { Bonded e0= bds[i].get_bonded(0); Bonded e1= bds[i].get_bonded(1); Particle *np0= map[e0.get_particle()]; Particle *np1= map[e1.get_particle()]; Bonded ne0, ne1; if (Bonded::particle_is_instance(np0)) { ne0=Bonded(np0); } else { ne0=Bonded::setup_particle(np0); } if (Bonded::particle_is_instance(np1)) { ne1=Bonded(np1); } else { ne1=Bonded::setup_particle(np1); } copy_bond(ne0, ne1, bds[i]); } return nh; } Hierarchy create_clone_one(Hierarchy d) { std::map map; return clone_internal(d, map, false); } struct True { template bool operator()(const T &t) const{ return true;} }; void destroy(Hierarchy d) { Hierarchies all; core::gather(d, True(), std::back_inserter(all)); for (unsigned int i=0; i< all.size(); ++i) { if (Bonded::particle_is_instance(all[i])) { Bonded b(all[i]); while (b.get_number_of_bonds() > 0) { destroy_bond(b.get_bond(b.get_number_of_bonds()-1)); } } while (all[i].get_number_of_children() > 0) { all[i].remove_child(all[i].get_child(all[i].get_number_of_children()-1)); } } for (unsigned int i=0; i< all.size(); ++i) { all[i].get_particle()->get_model()->remove_particle(all[i]); } } bool get_is_heterogen(Hierarchy h) { if (Atom::particle_is_instance(h)) { Atom a(h); bool ret= (a.get_atom_type() >= AT_UNKNOWN); IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK((ret && a.get_atom_type().get_string().find("HET:")==0) || (!ret && a.get_atom_type().get_string().find("HET:") == std::string::npos), "Unexpected atom type found " << a.get_atom_type() << (ret?" is ": " is not ") << "a heterogen."); return ret; } else { Residue r(h); return (r.get_residue_type()>= DTHY); } } algebra::BoundingBox3D get_bounding_box(const Hierarchy &h) { Particles rep= get_leaves(h); algebra::BoundingBox3D bb; for (unsigned int i=0; i< rep.size(); ++i) { core::XYZR xyzr= core::XYZR::decorate_particle(rep[i]); if (xyzr) { bb+= algebra::get_bounding_box(xyzr.get_sphere()); } else if (core::XYZ::particle_is_instance(rep[i])) { bb+= algebra::BoundingBox3D(core::XYZ(rep[i]).get_coordinates()); } } IMP_LOG(VERBOSE, "Bounding box is " << bb << std::endl); return bb; } algebra::SphereD<3> get_bounding_sphere(const Hierarchy &h) { Particles rep= get_leaves(h); std::vector > ss; for (unsigned int i=0; i< rep.size(); ++i) { core::XYZR xyzr= core::XYZR::decorate_particle(rep[i]); if (xyzr) { ss.push_back(xyzr.get_sphere()); } else if (core::XYZ::particle_is_instance(rep[i])) { ss.push_back(algebra::SphereD<3>(core::XYZ(rep[i]).get_coordinates(), 0)); } } return algebra::get_enclosing_sphere(ss); } IMP_FOREACH_HIERARCHY_TYPE(IMP_GET_AS_DEF) IMPATOM_END_NAMESPACE