/** * \file TableRefiner.cpp * \brief A particle refiner that uses a table. * * Copyright 2007-2010 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved. * */ #include "IMP/core/TableRefiner.h" IMPCORE_BEGIN_NAMESPACE TableRefiner::TableRefiner( ): Refiner("TableRefiner%d"){ } void TableRefiner::do_show(std::ostream &out) const { out << map_.size() << " entries" << std::endl; } void TableRefiner::add_particle(Particle *p, const Particles &ps) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(map_.find(p) == map_.end(), "Particle " << p->get_name() << " already in map."); map_[p]=ps; } void TableRefiner::remove_particle(Particle *p) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(map_.find(p) != map_.end(), "Particle " << p->get_name() << " not found in map."); map_.erase(p); } void TableRefiner::set_particle(Particle *p, const Particles &ps) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(map_.find(p) != map_.end(), "Particle " << p->get_name() << " not found in map."); map_[p]=ps; } bool TableRefiner::get_can_refine(Particle *p) const { return map_.find(p) != map_.end(); } Particle* TableRefiner::get_refined(Particle *p, unsigned int i) const { IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(map_.find(p) != map_.end(), "Particle " << p->get_name() << " not found in map."); return map_.find(p)->second[i]; } unsigned int TableRefiner::get_number_of_refined(Particle *p) const { IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(map_.find(p) != map_.end(), "Particle " << p->get_name() << " not found in map."); return map_.find(p)->second.size(); } const ParticlesTemp TableRefiner::get_refined(Particle *p) const { IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(map_.find(p) != map_.end(), "Particle is not found in table to refine"); return ParticlesTemp(map_.find(p)->second.begin(), map_.find(p)->second.end()); } ParticlesTemp TableRefiner::get_input_particles(Particle *p) const { ParticlesTemp ret= get_refined(p); ret.push_back(p); return ret; } ContainersTemp TableRefiner::get_input_containers(Particle *p) const { return ContainersTemp(); } IMPCORE_END_NAMESPACE