/** * \file helper/simplify_restraint.h * \brief Helper functions for restraints * * Copyright 2007-2010 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved. */ #ifndef IMPHELPER_SIMPLIFY_RESTRAINT_H #define IMPHELPER_SIMPLIFY_RESTRAINT_H #include "helper_config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include IMPHELPER_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class SimpleConnectivity; class SimpleDistance; class SimpleDiameter; class SimpleExcludedVolume; class SimpleEMFit; /* Having the default be RigidMembersRefiner is most likely a bad idea, but it is needed to make things work. The refiner should probably be exposed, otherwise this method cannot be used with the rigid bodies created from molecular hierarchies, which is kind of an unintuitive result. A better solution may be to ensure that everything is an atom.Hierarchy and use the LeavesRefiner implicitly. */ IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleConnectivity create_simple_connectivity_on_rigid_bodies( const core::RigidBodies &rbs, Refiner *ref=IMP::core::internal::get_rigid_members_refiner()); /** Creates ConnectivityRestraint on molecules using LowestRefinedPairScore and LeavesRefiner. \see LowestRefinedPairScore \see SphereDistancePairScore \see HarmonicUpperBound \see LeavesRefiner \relates SimpleConnectivity */ IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleConnectivity create_simple_connectivity_on_molecules( const atom::Hierarchies &mhs); /** Creates DistanceRestraint using HarmonicUpperBound scoring function as default. \param[in] ps Pointer to two particles in distance restraint. \relates SimpleDistance */ IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleDistance create_simple_distance(Particles *ps); /** Creates DiameterRestraint using HarmonicUpperBound scoring function as default. \param[in] ps Pointer to particles in diameter restraint. \param[in] diameter Diameter. \see ListSingletonContainer \relates SimpleDiameter */ IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleDiameter create_simple_diameter( Particles *ps, Float diameter); /* Having the default be RigidMembersRefiner is most likely a bad idea, but it is needed to make things work. The refiner should probably be exposed, otherwise this method cannot be used with the rigid bodies created from molecular hierarchies, which is kind of an unintuitive result. A better solution may be to ensure that everything is an atom.Hierarchy and use the LeavesRefiner implicitly (as the docs say, but not as it was doing before). */ /** Creates ExcludedVolumeRestraint using LeavesRefiner. \see ListSingletonContainer \relates SimpleExcludedVolume */ IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleExcludedVolume create_simple_excluded_volume_on_rigid_bodies( const core::RigidBodies &rbs, Refiner *ref= IMP::core::internal::get_rigid_members_refiner()); /** Creates ExcludedVolumeRestraint using RigidMembersRefiner. \see RigidMembersRefiner \relates SimpleExcludedVolume */ IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleExcludedVolume create_simple_excluded_volume_on_molecules( const atom::Hierarchies &mhs); /** Creates EM FitRestraint. \see FitRestraint \see DensityMap \relates SimpleEMFit */ IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleEMFit create_simple_em_fit( atom::Hierarchies const &mhs, em::DensityMap *dmap); /** Load EM density file (.mrc or .em file). */ IMPHELPEREXPORT em::DensityMap *load_em_density_map( char const *map_fn, float spacing, float resolution); IMPHELPEREXPORT core::RigidBodies set_rigid_bodies( atom::Hierarchies const &mhs); //! Simple connectivity restraint. /** \note SimpleConnectivity stores pointers to ConnectivityRestraint, HarmonicUpperBound, and SphereDistancePairScore. \note It provides convenient methods to change mean, k, and standard deviation. \see ConnectivityRestraint */ class IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleConnectivity { IMP_NO_SWIG( friend IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleConnectivity create_simple_connectivity_on_rigid_bodies( const core::RigidBodies &rbs, Refiner *ref); friend IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleConnectivity create_simple_connectivity_on_molecules( atom::Hierarchies const &mhs); ) public: core::ConnectivityRestraint *get_restraint() { return connectivity_restraint_; } core::HarmonicUpperBound *get_harmonic_upper_bound() { return harmonic_upper_bound_; } core::SphereDistancePairScore *get_sphere_distance_pair_score() { return sphere_distance_pair_score_; } //! Set the mean for the HarmonicUpperBound. /** The default mean is 0. */ void set_mean(Float mean) { harmonic_upper_bound_->set_mean(mean); } //! Set the standard deviation for the HarmonicUpperBound. void set_stddev(Float sd) { static Float k = harmonic_upper_bound_->k_from_standard_deviation(sd); harmonic_upper_bound_->set_k(k); } //! Set the spring constant for the HarmonicUpperBound. /** The default k is 1. */ void set_k(Float k) { harmonic_upper_bound_->set_k(k); } VersionInfo get_version_info() const { return IMP::get_module_version_info(); } void show(std::ostream &out = std::cout) const { out << "SimpleConnectivity("; if ( connectivity_restraint_ ) connectivity_restraint_->show(out); out << ")"; } private: // prevent unauthorized creation SimpleConnectivity( core::ConnectivityRestraint *connectivity_restraint, core::HarmonicUpperBound *harmonic_upper_bound, core::SphereDistancePairScore *sphere_distance_pair_score) : connectivity_restraint_(connectivity_restraint) , harmonic_upper_bound_(harmonic_upper_bound) , sphere_distance_pair_score_(sphere_distance_pair_score) {} IMP::Pointer connectivity_restraint_; IMP::Pointer harmonic_upper_bound_; IMP::Pointer sphere_distance_pair_score_; }; //! Simple distance restraint between two particles. /** \note SimpleDistance stores pointers to DistanceRestraint, and HarmonicUpperBound. \note It provides convenient methods to change mean, k, and standard deviation. \see DistanceRestraint */ class IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleDistance { IMP_NO_SWIG(friend IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleDistance create_simple_distance(Particles *ps)); public: core::DistanceRestraint *get_restraint() { return distance_restraint_; } core::HarmonicUpperBound *get_harmonic_upper_bound() { return harmonic_upper_bound_; } //! Set the mean for the HarmonicUpperBound. /** The default mean is 0. */ void set_mean(Float mean) { harmonic_upper_bound_->set_mean(mean); } //! Set the standard deviation for the HarmonicUpperBound. void set_stddev(Float sd) { static Float k = harmonic_upper_bound_->k_from_standard_deviation(sd); harmonic_upper_bound_->set_k(k); } //! Set the spring constant for the HarmonicUpperBound. /** The default k is 1. */ void set_k(Float k) { harmonic_upper_bound_->set_k(k); } VersionInfo get_version_info() const { return IMP::get_module_version_info(); } void show(std::ostream &out = std::cout) const { out << "SimpleDistance("; if ( distance_restraint_ ) distance_restraint_->show(out); out << ")"; } private: // prevent unauthorized creation SimpleDistance( core::DistanceRestraint *distance_restraint, core::HarmonicUpperBound *harmonic_upper_bound) : distance_restraint_(distance_restraint) , harmonic_upper_bound_(harmonic_upper_bound) {} IMP::Pointer distance_restraint_; IMP::Pointer harmonic_upper_bound_; }; //! Simple diameter restraint. /** \note SimpleDiameter stores pointers to DiameterRestraint, and HarmonicUpperBound. \note It provides convenient methods to change mean, k, and standard deviation. \see DiameterRestraint */ class IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleDiameter { IMP_NO_SWIG(friend IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleDiameter create_simple_diameter(Particles *ps, Float diameter)); public: core::DiameterRestraint *get_restraint() { return diameter_restraint_; } core::HarmonicUpperBound *get_harmonic_upper_bound() { return harmonic_upper_bound_; } //! Set the mean for the HarmonicUpperBound. /** The default mean is 0. */ void set_mean(Float mean) { harmonic_upper_bound_->set_mean(mean); } //! Set the standard deviation for the HarmonicUpperBound. void set_stddev(Float sd) { static Float k = harmonic_upper_bound_->k_from_standard_deviation(sd); harmonic_upper_bound_->set_k(k); } //! Set the spring constant for the HarmonicUpperBound. /** The default k is 1. */ void set_k(Float k) { harmonic_upper_bound_->set_k(k); } VersionInfo get_version_info() const { return IMP::get_module_version_info(); } void show(std::ostream &out = std::cout) const { out << "SimpleDiameter("; if ( diameter_restraint_ ) diameter_restraint_->show(out); out << ")"; } private: // prevent unauthorized creation SimpleDiameter( core::DiameterRestraint *diameter_restraint, core::HarmonicUpperBound *harmonic_upper_bound) : diameter_restraint_(diameter_restraint) , harmonic_upper_bound_(harmonic_upper_bound) {} IMP::Pointer diameter_restraint_; IMP::Pointer harmonic_upper_bound_; }; //! Simple excluded volume restraint. /** \see ExcludedVolumeRestraint */ class IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleExcludedVolume { IMP_NO_SWIG(friend IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleExcludedVolume create_simple_excluded_volume_on_rigid_bodies( const core::RigidBodies &rbs, Refiner*ref); ); IMP_NO_SWIG(friend IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleExcludedVolume create_simple_excluded_volume_on_molecules( atom::Hierarchies const &mhs); ); public: core::ExcludedVolumeRestraint *get_restraint() { return excluded_volume_restraint_; } VersionInfo get_version_info() const { return IMP::get_module_version_info(); } void show(std::ostream &out = std::cout) const { out << "SimpleExcludedVolume("; if ( excluded_volume_restraint_ ) excluded_volume_restraint_->show(out); out << ")"; } private: // prevent unauthorized creation SimpleExcludedVolume( core::ExcludedVolumeRestraint *excluded_volume_restraint) : excluded_volume_restraint_(excluded_volume_restraint) {} IMP::Pointer excluded_volume_restraint_; }; //! Simple EM fit restraint. /** \note SimpleEMFit stores pointer to FitRestraint. \see FitRestraint */ class IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleEMFit { IMP_NO_SWIG(friend IMPHELPEREXPORT SimpleEMFit create_simple_em_fit( atom::Hierarchies const &mhs, em::DensityMap *dmap)); public: em::FitRestraint *get_restraint() { return fit_restraint_; } VersionInfo get_version_info() const { return IMP::get_module_version_info(); } void show(std::ostream &out = std::cout) const { out << "SimpleEMFit("; if ( fit_restraint_ ) fit_restraint_->show(out); out << ")"; } private: // prevent unauthorized creation SimpleEMFit( em::FitRestraint *fit_restraint) : fit_restraint_(fit_restraint) {} IMP::Pointer fit_restraint_; }; IMPHELPER_END_NAMESPACE #endif /* IMPHELPER_SIMPLIFY_RESTRAINT_H */