/** \page emagefit_3sfd Modeling of 3sfd with EMageFit
\section intro Introduction
In this example, EMageFit is used to build a model of porcine mitochondrial
respiratory complex II (PDB id 3sfd), using crystal structures of its
4 constituent proteins and a number of electron microscopy (EM) class averages
of the complex.
For more information on the protocol employed during this example, see
the \ref emagefit_protocol page.
(See also \ref multifit_3sfd for building models using 3D EM maps
instead of 2D class averages.)
All steps in the procedure use a command line tool called
emagefit.py. For full help on this tool, run from a command line:
emagefit.py -h
\section setup Setup
First, obtain the input files used in this example and put them in the
current directory, by typing:
cp -r /em2d/3sfd/* .
(On a Windows machine, use 'xcopy /E' rather than 'cp -r'.) Here,
is the directory containing the IMP example files. The full path to the files
can be determined by running in a Python interpreter 'import IMP.em2d;
print IMP.em2d.get_example_path('3sfd')'.
The input files are for modeling are the three simulated class averages of
the complex located in the em_images directory, and the subunits to
assemble: 3sdfA.pdb, 3sfdB.pdb, 3sfC.pdb, and
3sfdD.pdb. A number of Python files are also present. These control
the modeling procedure and are described below. For an extensive description
of all the parameters see config_example.py.
Building a model requires 4 steps: pairwise docking between interacting
subunits, SA-MC optimization, SA-MC model gathering, and DOMINO sampling.
\section dock Pairwise docking
To do the dockings, run from the command line:
emagefit.py --exp config_step_1.py --dock --log dock.log
Open the file dock.log and search for the line:
INFO:buildxlinks:The suggested order for the docking pairs is [('3sfdB', '3sfdA'), ('3sfdB', '3sfdC'), ('3sfdB', '3sfdD'), ('3sfdD', '3sfdC')]
EMageFit has determined the dockings required, and the order recommended.
The pairs are (Receptor,Ligand), so 3sfdA should be docked into 3sfdB, and so
on. If HEXDOCK is installed, it is used to perform these dockings, and generates
several sets of new files. These include
PDB files of the initial docking solutions as estimated from the cross-linking
restraints (ending in initial_docking.pdb); the PDB files with the
best solutions from HEXDOCK (ending in hexdock.pdb); a set of text
files starting with hex_solutions, containing all the solutions
from HEXDOCK; and 4 text files starting with relative_positions,
which contain the relative transformations between the subunits participating
in each pairwise docking. This last set of files is used by the SA-MC
If HEXDOCK is not present, the relative positions files need to be generated
using some docking algorithm. They have a simple format; each line is simply
the transformation needed to dock the ligand to the receptor, given as the
components of the rotation quaternion followed by the vector vector.
Next, the anchor component and the docking transforms need to be placed
into the configuration file for the next step, by setting self.anchor
and self.dock_transforms respectively. The anchor component is the
component with most neighbors, and is the first receptor in the list of docking
pairs printed in the log file (the second component, 3sfdB, in this case).
(Anchored components are not moved during the SA-MC optimization.)
The file config_step_2.py includes this information.
\section optimize SA-MC optimization
The next step is running a Monte Carlo optimization. There are several
parameters to control this optimization, such as the profile of temperatures,
number of iterations, cycles, maximum displacement and angle tolerated for the
random moves, and also the parameter self.non_relative_move_prob.
This last parameter indicates the probability for a component of undergoing
a random move instead of a docking-derived relative move. For example, a
value of 0.4 means that the component acting as ligand (e.g. 3sfdA) will
prefer to do a random move with respect to its receptor (3sfdB) 40% of the time.
A value of 1 ignores all the relative positions, and a random move is always
chosen (i.e. all docking solutions are ignored). To run the optimization:
emagefit.py --exp config_step_2.py --monte_carlo -1 --log monte_carlo.log --o mc_solution1.db
Note that config_step_2.py sets Monte Carlo parameters to get a very
short simulation, for demonstration purposes. For serious application, a longer
Monte Carlo simulation is recommended; suitable parameters can be found in
The output is the file mc_solution1.db, an SQLite database with the
solution. To generate multiple candidate solutions, simply run the command
multiple times with different output file names.
\section gather Model gathering
After generating a set of solutions, they must be gathered together into a
single database, using a command such as:
emagefit.py --o monte_carlo_solutions.db --gather mc_solution*.db
For this example, a pre-built database is included in the outputs
directory, containing the results of 500 Monte Carlo runs. To use this for
subsequent steps in the example, run:
cp outputs/monte_carlo_solutions_500.db monte_carlo_solutions.db
\section domino DOMINO sampling
The last part of the modeling is running DOMINO employing the configuration
file config_step_3.py. This new configuration file has changes with
respect to config_step_2.py in the classes
DominoSamplingPositions and DominoParams. The parameters are:
- self.read is the file with the Monte Carlo solutions
obtained before.
- self.max_number is the maximum number of solutions to combine.
In this example, with 500 solutions and 4 components, strict enumeration
would require 5004 combinations to be explored, which is
unfeasible. This number allows you to reduce that. In this example, it is
set to 5, and therefore only 54 combinations are explored.
- self.orderby is the name of the restraint used to sort the
Monte Carlo solutions. Here the value is "em2d", so the best 5 solutions
according to the em2d score will be combined with DOMINO. Another option
is to use "total_score".
- self.heap_solutions. This is a rather technical parameter. It is
the number of solutions that DOMINO keeps at each merging step. The larger
the number, the better the space of 54 combinations is explored,
at the cost of a larger running time. Here, a value of 200 is used.
The command to run is:
emagefit.py --exp config_step_3.py --log domino.log --o domino.db
The output domino.db is a database of solutions. For the actual
benchmark used in the EMageFit publication, parameters of
self.max_number=50 and self.heap_solutions=2000 were used,
resulting in the file outputs/domino_benchmark.db.
\section analysis Analysis
The solutions can be written out as PDB files. To write out the 10 best models
according to the value of the em2d restraint, run:
emagefit.py --exp config_step_3.py --w 10 --o domino.db --orderby em2d
The best solution, shown fitted in the density map of the complex, is shown