import IMP.test import os import sys import shutil import StringIO class Tests(IMP.test.ApplicationTestCase): def test_wrong_number_args(self): """Test with wrong number of arguments""" p = self.run_python_application('', []) out, err = p.communicate() self.assertNotEqual(p.returncode, 0) def test_em2d_without_pixel_size(self): """Test with class averages but no pixel size""" p = self.run_python_application('', ['--em2d', 'foo', 'file1', 'file2']) out, err = p.communicate() self.assertIn('please specify pixel size', err) self.assertNotEqual(p.returncode, 0) def test_no_data(self): """Test with no experimental data""" p = self.run_python_application('', ['file1', 'file2']) out, err = p.communicate() self.assertIn('please provide', err) self.assertNotEqual(p.returncode, 0) def test_idock_init(self): """Test IDock class init""" app = self.import_python_application('') dock = app.IDock() def make_idock_with_captured_subprocess(self): """Make an IDock instance. Capture the command lines of any subprocesses, rather than actually running them.""" app = self.import_python_application('') class Opts(object): pass d = app.IDock() d.opts = Opts() d.ligand = d.receptor = '' def _run_binary(*args, **keys): d.run_binary_args = args d.run_binary_keys = keys old_run_binary = app._run_binary app._run_binary = _run_binary return app, old_run_binary, d def test_run_patch_dock_binary(self): """Test run_patch_dock_binary()""" app, old_run_binary, dock = self.make_idock_with_captured_subprocess() try: dock.opts.patch_dock = 'pd_dir' dock.run_patch_dock_binary('pd', ['foo', 'bar']) self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, ('pd_dir', 'pd', ['foo', 'bar'])) finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary def test_run_fiber_dock_binary(self): """Test run_fiber_dock_binary()""" app, old_run_binary, dock = self.make_idock_with_captured_subprocess() try: dock.opts.fiber_dock = 'fd_dir' dock.run_fiber_dock_binary('fd', ['foo', 'bar']) self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, ('fd_dir', 'fd', ['foo', 'bar'])) finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary def test_count_lines(self): """Test _count_lines()""" app = self.import_python_application('') open('foo', 'w').write('foo\nbar\nbaz\n') self.assertEqual(app._count_lines('foo'), 3) os.unlink('foo') def test_count_fiber_dock_out(self): """Test _count_fiber_dock_out()""" app = self.import_python_application('') open('foo', 'w').write(""" After Refinement: ########### Program Parameters ################## ################################################# Sol # | glob | aVdW | rVdW | ACE | inside | aElec | rElec | laElec | lrElec | hb | piS | catpiS | aliph | prob | BBdeform | 1 | -20.01 | -16.03 | 3.97 | 5.64 | 15.82 | -8.53 | 0.00 | -8.41 | 4.76 | 0.00 | -5.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |2.57 0.76 1.77 33.15 35.83 73.77 | | 2 | -14.43 | -15.32 | 9.84 | 1.44 | 15.25 | -57.83 | 130.98 | -26.15 | 26.80 | 0.00 | -16.50 | 0.00 | -2.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |1.14 0.80 -0.11 9.81 62.06 63.74 | | """) self.assertEqual(app._count_fiber_dock_out('foo'), 2) os.unlink('foo') def test_run_binary(self): """Test _run_binary()""" class DummySubprocess(object): args = None class Popen(object): def __init__(self, *args, **keys): DummySubprocess.args = self.args = args def wait(self): if 'bad' in self.args[0][0]: return 1 else: return 0 app = self.import_python_application('') oldsubproc = app.subprocess old_stdout = sys.stdout try: app.subprocess = DummySubprocess self.assertRaises(OSError, app._run_binary, 'testpath', 'bad', []) app._run_binary('testpath', 'bin', ['arg1', 'arg2']) self.assertEqual(app.subprocess.args, ([os.path.join('testpath', 'bin'), 'arg1', 'arg2'],)) sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO() app._run_binary('', 'bin', ['arg1', 'arg2']) self.assertEqual(app.subprocess.args, (['bin', 'arg1', 'arg2'],)) self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue().rstrip('\r\n'), 'bin arg1 arg2') sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO() app._run_binary('', 'bin', ['arg1', 'arg2'], out_file='foo') self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue().rstrip('\r\n'), 'bin arg1 arg2 > foo') os.unlink('foo') finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout app.subprocess = oldsubproc def test_make_patch_dock_surfaces(self): """Test make_patch_dock_surfaces()""" app, old_run_binary, dock = self.make_idock_with_captured_subprocess() try: dock.opts.patch_dock = 'pd_dir' dock.receptor = 'testrecep' dock.ligand = 'testlig' dock.make_patch_dock_surfaces() self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, ('pd_dir', '', ['testrecep', 'testlig'])) finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary def test_make_patch_dock_parameters(self): """Test make_patch_dock_parameters()""" app, old_run_binary, dock = self.make_idock_with_captured_subprocess() try: dock.opts.patch_dock = 'pd_dir' dock.opts.type = 'AA' dock.receptor = 'testrecep' dock.ligand = 'testlig' dock.opts.precision = 1 dock.make_patch_dock_parameters() self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, ('pd_dir', '', ['testrecep', 'testlig', '4.0', 'AA'])) dock.opts.precision = 2 dock.make_patch_dock_parameters() self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, ('pd_dir', '', ['testrecep', 'testlig', '2.0', 'AA'])) dock.opts.precision = 3 dock.make_patch_dock_parameters() self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, ('pd_dir', '', ['testrecep', 'testlig', '2.0', 'AA'])) finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary def test_get_filename(self): """Test get_filename()""" app = self.import_python_application('') class Opts(object): pass dock = app.IDock() dock.opts = Opts() dock.opts.prefix = 'foo' self.assertEqual(dock.get_filename('bar'), 'foobar') def test_do_patch_dock_docking(self): """Test do_patch_dock_docking()""" def do_dock(): app, old_run_binary, dock \ = self.make_idock_with_captured_subprocess() dock.opts.prefix = 'foo' dock.opts.patch_dock = 'pd_dir' dock.do_patch_dock_docking() return app, old_run_binary, dock if os.path.exists('foodocking.res'): os.unlink('foodocking.res') app, old_run_binary, dock = do_dock() try: self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, ('pd_dir', 'patch_dock.Linux', ['params.txt', 'foodocking.res'])) finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary # Recovery should be skipped if results file is too short open('foodocking.res', 'w').write('foo\n' * 36) app, old_run_binary, dock = do_dock() try: self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, ('pd_dir', 'patch_dock.Linux', ['params.txt', 'foodocking.res'])) finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary open('foodocking.res', 'w').write('foo\n' * 37) app, old_run_binary, dock = do_dock() try: self.assertFalse(hasattr(dock, 'run_binary_args')) finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary os.unlink('foodocking.res') def test_make_transformation_file(self): """Test make_transformation_file()""" app = self.import_python_application('') class Opts(object): pass dock = app.IDock() dock.opts = Opts() dock.opts.prefix = 'foo' open('foodocking.res', 'w').write(""" Program parameters ****** # | score | pen. | Area | as1 | as2 | as12 | ACE | hydroph | Energy |cluster| dist. || Ligand Transformation """ + " 1 | 14906 | -3.60 | 1816.10 | 0 | 2279 | 0 | 229.45 | 1248.53 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 || 2.56 0.12 -0.27 36.00 -10.44 47.54\n" * 6000) dock.opts.precision = 1 n = dock.make_transformation_file() lines = open('trans_pd').readlines() self.assertEqual(n, 5000) self.assertEqual(len(lines), 5000) self.assertEqual(lines[0].rstrip('\r\n'), '1 2.56 0.12 -0.27 36.00 -10.44 47.54') dock.opts.precision = 2 n = dock.make_transformation_file() lines = open('trans_pd').readlines() self.assertEqual(n, 6000) self.assertEqual(len(lines), 6000) os.unlink('trans_pd') os.unlink('foodocking.res') def test_run_patch_dock(self): """Test run_patch_dock()""" app = self.import_python_application('') class Dummy(app.IDock): def make_patch_dock_surfaces(self): self.calls.append('surface') def make_patch_dock_parameters(self): self.calls.append('params') def do_patch_dock_docking(self): self.calls.append('docking') def make_transformation_file(self): self.calls.append('transforms') return 42 class Opts(object): pass dock = Dummy() dock.opts = Opts() dock.receptor = 'testrecep' dock.ligand = 'testlig' dock.calls = [] dock.opts.type = 'other' n = dock.run_patch_dock() self.assertEqual(n, 42) self.assertEqual(dock.calls, ['surface', 'params', 'docking', 'transforms']) self.assertEqual(dock.ligand, 'testlig') self.assertEqual(dock.receptor, 'testrecep') # Check for switch when type='AA' dock = Dummy() dock.opts = Opts() dock.receptor = 'testrecep' dock.ligand = 'testlig' dock.calls = [] dock.opts.saxs_receptor_pdb = 'saxsrecep' dock.opts.saxs_ligand_pdb = 'saxslig' dock.opts.type = 'AA' dock.run_patch_dock() self.assertEqual(dock.ligand, 'testrecep') self.assertEqual(dock.receptor, 'testlig') self.assertEqual(dock.opts.saxs_receptor_pdb, 'saxslig') self.assertEqual(dock.opts.saxs_ligand_pdb, 'saxsrecep') def test_parse_args(self): """Test IDock.parse_args()""" app = self.import_python_application('') old_sys_argv = sys.argv try: # Instantiate all scorers sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], '--cxms', 'cxms.txt', '--em2d', 'em2d_1.pgm', '--em2d', 'em2d_2.pgm', '--pixel_size', '2.0', '--em3d', 'em3d.mrc', '--receptor_rtc', 'receptor.rtc', '--ligand_rtc', 'ligand.rtc', '--saxs', 'saxs.txt', '--saxs_receptor_pdb', 'receptor.saxs', '--saxs_ligand_pdb', 'ligand.saxs', 'receptor.pdb', 'ligand.pdb'] idock = app.IDock() scorers = idock.parse_args() self.assertEqual(len(scorers), 5) finally: sys.argv = old_sys_argv def test_get_scorers(self): """Test IDock.get_scorers()""" app = self.import_python_application('') class Opts(object): pass d = app.IDock() d.opts = Opts() d.receptor = 'testrecep' d.ligand = 'testlig' d.opts.prefix = 'pre' d.opts.type = 'other' d.opts.receptor_rtc = 'testrecep_rtc' d.opts.ligand_rtc = 'testrecep_rtc' d.opts.saxs_file = 'testsaxs' d.opts.saxs_receptor_pdb = d.opts.saxs_ligand_pdb = None d.opts.class_averages = [] d.opts.map_file = 'test.mrc' d.opts.cross_links_file = None scorers = d.get_scorers(None) self.assertEqual(len(scorers), 3) def test_scorer(self): """Test Scorer class""" app = self.import_python_application('') class MyScorer(app.Scorer): def _run_score_binary(self): self.run_score = True class MockIDock(object): receptor = 'testrecep' ligand = 'testlig' def get_filename(self, f): return f if os.path.exists('testoutput.res'): os.unlink('testoutput.res') # Score should be recalculated if output file does not exist s = MyScorer(MockIDock(), 'testoutput') self.assertEqual(s.output_file, 'testoutput.res') s.score(10) self.assertEqual(s.run_score, True) open('testoutput.res', 'w').write('foo\n' * 8) # Also if the file contains fewer transforms than input s = MyScorer(MockIDock(), 'testoutput') s.score(10) self.assertEqual(s.run_score, True) # Skip score if number of transforms is sufficient s = MyScorer(MockIDock(), 'testoutput') s.score(8) self.assertEqual(hasattr(s, 'run_score'), False) os.unlink('testoutput.res') def test_recompute_zscore(self): """Test Scorer.recompute_zscore()""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() idock.opts.prefix = '' class MyScorer(app.Scorer): def __init__(self, idock): app.Scorer.__init__(self, idock, "my_score") s = MyScorer(idock) open('my_score.res', 'w').write(""" receptorPdb (str) 2p4e.pdb ligandPdb (str) antibody_cut.pdb # | 1-CC |filter| Zscore | Transformation 1 | 0.196 | + | 2.45 | 2.423 0.1092 -0.2944 36.17 -8.459 49.66 2 | 0.221 | + | 3.19 | 2.674 0.4152 -0.7746 33.23 -4.204 31.47 3 | 0.233 | + | 3.53 | 2.622 0.5735 -0.7227 34.3 -2.353 32.4 4 | 0.212 | + | 2.94 | 2.551 0.06816 -0.1646 38.22 -10.09 46.22 5 | 0.208 | + | 2.82 | 2.722 0.3805 -0.8429 33.87 -5.112 29.73 6 | 0.211 | + | 2.9 | 2.496 -0.04911 -0.258 37.57 -10.18 47.23 """) open('transforms', 'w').write(""" 2 2.674 0.4152 -0.7746 33.23 -4.204 31.47 3 2.622 0.5735 -0.7227 34.3 -2.353 32.4 1 2.423 0.1092 -0.2944 36.17 -8.459 49.66 6 2.496 -0.04911 -0.258 37.57 -10.18 47.23 """) s.recompute_zscore("transforms") lines = open('my_scoref.res').readlines() self.assertEqual(len(lines), 5) self.assertEqual(lines[1].strip(' \r\n'), '2 | 0.221 | + | 0.424 | 2.674 0.4152 -0.7746 33.23 -4.204 31.47') s.reverse_zscores = True s.recompute_zscore("transforms") lines = open('my_scoref.res').readlines() self.assertEqual(len(lines), 5) self.assertEqual(lines[1].strip(' \r\n'), '2 | 0.221 | + | -0.424 | 2.674 0.4152 -0.7746 33.23 -4.204 31.47') os.unlink('my_score.res') os.unlink('my_scoref.res') os.unlink('transforms') def get_dummy_idock_for_scorer(self): app = self.import_python_application('') class Opts(object): pass idock = app.IDock() idock.opts = Opts() idock.receptor = 'testrecep' idock.ligand = 'testlig' idock.opts.prefix = '' return app, idock def run_scorer_score(self, scorer): app = self.import_python_application('') class Dummy: def _run_binary(cls, *args): cls.score_args = args _run_binary = classmethod(_run_binary) old_run_binary = app._run_binary app._run_binary = Dummy._run_binary try: scorer.score(10) finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary return Dummy.score_args def test_nmr_scorer(self): """Test NMRScorer class""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() idock.opts.receptor_rtc = idock.opts.ligand_rtc = None self.assertIsNone(app.NMRScorer.check_options(idock, None)) idock.opts.receptor_rtc = 'r_rtc' idock.opts.ligand_rtc = 'l_rtc' idock.opts.type = 'other' s = app.NMRScorer(idock) s2 = app.NMRScorer.check_options(idock, None) self.assertIsInstance(s2, app.NMRScorer) self.assertEqual(s.transforms_needed, 5000) self.assertEqual(s.reverse_zscores, False) self.assertEqual(s.receptor_rtc, 'r_rtc') self.assertEqual(s.ligand_rtc, 'l_rtc') idock.opts.type = 'AA' s = app.NMRScorer(idock) self.assertEqual(s.receptor_rtc, 'l_rtc') self.assertEqual(s.ligand_rtc, '-') self.assertEqual(str(s), 'NMR score') self.assertEqual(self.run_scorer_score(s), (None, 'nmr_rtc_score', ['testrecep', 'testlig', 'trans_pd', 'l_rtc', '-', '-o', 'nmr_rtc_score.res'])) def test_saxs_scorer(self): """Test SAXSScorer class""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() idock.opts.saxs_file = None self.assertIsNone(app.SAXSScorer.check_options(idock, None)) idock.opts.saxs_file = 'test.saxs' idock.opts.saxs_receptor_pdb = idock.opts.saxs_ligand_pdb = None s = app.SAXSScorer(idock) s2 = app.SAXSScorer.check_options(idock, None) self.assertIsInstance(s2, app.SAXSScorer) self.assertEqual(s.transforms_needed, 5000) self.assertEqual(s.reverse_zscores, False) self.assertEqual(s.saxs_file, 'test.saxs') self.assertEqual(s.saxs_receptor, 'testrecep') self.assertEqual(s.saxs_ligand, 'testlig') idock.opts.saxs_receptor_pdb = 'testrecep.s' idock.opts.saxs_ligand_pdb = 'testlig.s' s = app.SAXSScorer(idock) self.assertEqual(s.saxs_receptor, 'testrecep.s') self.assertEqual(s.saxs_ligand, 'testlig.s') self.assertEqual(str(s), 'SAXS score') self.assertEqual(self.run_scorer_score(s), (None, 'saxs_score', ['testrecep.s', 'testlig.s', 'trans_pd', 'test.saxs', '-o', 'saxs_score.res'])) def test_em2d_scorer(self): """Test EM2DScorer class""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() idock.opts.class_averages = [] self.assertIsNone(app.EM2DScorer.check_options(idock, None)) idock.opts.class_averages = ['test1.pgm', 'test2.pgm'] idock.opts.pixel_size = 4.0 s = app.EM2DScorer(idock) s2 = app.EM2DScorer.check_options(idock, None) self.assertIsInstance(s2, app.EM2DScorer) self.assertEqual(s.transforms_needed, 5000) self.assertEqual(s.reverse_zscores, False) self.assertEqual(s.class_averages, ['test1.pgm', 'test2.pgm']) self.assertAlmostEqual(s.pixel_size, 4.0, delta=1e-6) self.assertEqual(str(s), 'EM2D score') self.assertEqual(self.run_scorer_score(s), (None, 'em2d_score', ['testrecep', 'testlig', 'trans_pd', 'test1.pgm', 'test2.pgm', '-o', 'em2d_score.res', '-n', '200', '-s', '4.0'])) def test_em3d_scorer(self): """Test EM3DScorer class""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() idock.opts.map_file = None self.assertIsNone(app.EM3DScorer.check_options(idock, None)) idock.opts.map_file = 'test.mrc' s = app.EM3DScorer(idock) s2 = app.EM3DScorer.check_options(idock, None) self.assertIsInstance(s2, app.EM3DScorer) self.assertEqual(s.transforms_needed, 1000) self.assertEqual(s.reverse_zscores, True) self.assertEqual(s.map_file, 'test.mrc') self.assertEqual(str(s), 'EM3D score') self.assertEqual(self.run_scorer_score(s), (None, 'em3d_score', ['testrecep', 'testlig', 'trans_pd', 'test.mrc', '-o', 'em3d_score.res', '-s'])) def test_cxms_scorer(self): """Test CXMSScorer class""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() idock.opts.cross_links_file = None self.assertIsNone(app.CXMSScorer.check_options(idock, None)) idock.opts.cross_links_file = 'test.cxms' s = app.CXMSScorer(idock) s2 = app.CXMSScorer.check_options(idock, None) self.assertIsInstance(s2, app.CXMSScorer) self.assertEqual(s.transforms_needed, 2000) self.assertEqual(s.reverse_zscores, True) self.assertEqual(s.cross_links_file, 'test.cxms') self.assertEqual(str(s), 'CXMS score') self.assertEqual(self.run_scorer_score(s), (None, 'cross_links_score', ['testrecep', 'testlig', 'trans_pd', 'test.cxms', '-o', 'cxms_score.res'])) def test_get_all_scores_filename(self): """Test IDock.get_all_scores_filename()""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() idock.opts.prefix = 'prefix_' idock.opts.cross_links_file = 'test.cxms' idock.opts.map_file = 'test.mrc' scorers = [app.CXMSScorer(idock), app.EM3DScorer(idock)] self.assertEqual(idock.get_all_scores_filename(scorers, 'combined_', '.res'), 'prefix_combined_cxms_em3d.res') def test_get_filtered_scores_1(self): """Test get_filtered_scores() with a single method""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() idock.opts.cross_links_file = 'test.cxms' s = app.CXMSScorer(idock) open(s.output_file, 'w').write(""" # | 1-CC |filter| Zscore | Transformation 1 | 0.196 | + | 2.45 | 2.423 0.1092 -0.2944 36.17 -8.459 49.66 2 | 0.221 | - | 3.19 | 2.674 0.4152 -0.7746 33.23 -4.204 31.47 3 | 0.233 | + | 3.53 | 2.622 0.5735 -0.7227 34.3 -2.353 32.4 """) idock.get_filtered_scores([s]) lines = open('trans_for_cluster').readlines() self.assertEqual(len(lines), 2) nums = [line.split()[0] for line in lines] self.assertEqual(nums, ['1', '3']) scores = [line.split()[1] for line in lines] self.assertEqual(scores, ['2.45', '3.53']) os.unlink('trans_for_cluster') os.unlink(s.output_file) def test_get_filtered_scores_2(self): """Test get_filtered_scores() with two methods""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() idock.opts.cross_links_file = 'test.cxms' idock.opts.map_file = 'test.mrc' s1 = app.CXMSScorer(idock) s2 = app.EM3DScorer(idock) open(s1.output_file, 'w').write(""" # | 1-CC |filter| Zscore | Transformation 1 | 0.196 | - | 2.45 | 2.423 0.1092 -0.2944 36.17 -8.459 49.66 2 | 0.221 | + | 3.19 | 2.674 0.4152 -0.7746 33.23 -4.204 31.47 3 | 0.233 | + | 3.53 | 2.622 0.5735 -0.7227 34.3 -2.353 32.4 """) open(s2.output_file, 'w').write(""" # | Score |filter| Zscore | CC | Escore | Map transformation | Ligand Transformation 1 | 0.000 | + | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 | 2.4228 0.1092 -0.2944 36.1673 -8.4593 49.6622 2 | 0.000 | + | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 | 2.6739 0.4152 -0.7746 33.2264 -4.2045 31.4729 3 | 0.000 | + | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 | 2.6217 0.5735 -0.7227 34.2971 -2.3534 32.4020 """) idock.get_filtered_scores([s1, s2]) lines = open('trans_for_cluster').readlines() self.assertEqual(len(lines), 2) nums = [line.split()[0] for line in lines] # Only 2 and 3 are OK in both methods self.assertEqual(nums, ['2', '3']) os.unlink('combined_cxms_em3d.res') os.unlink('trans_for_cluster') os.unlink(s1.output_file) os.unlink(s2.output_file) def test_get_clustered_transforms(self): """Test get_clustered_transforms()""" app, old_run_binary, dock = self.make_idock_with_captured_subprocess() try: dock.opts.patch_dock = 'pd_dir' dock.receptor = 'testrecep' dock.ligand = 'testlig' dock.opts.prefix = '' dock.opts.cross_links_file = 'test.cxms' dock.opts.map_file = 'test.mrc' s1 = app.CXMSScorer(dock) s2 = app.EM3DScorer(dock) out_file = 'clustered_cxms_em3d.res' out = dock.get_clustered_transforms([s1, s2]) self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, ('pd_dir', 'interface_cluster.linux', ['', 'testlig', 'trans_for_cluster', '4.0', out_file])) self.assertEqual(out, out_file) finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary def test_get_transforms_for_fiber_dock(self): """Test get_transforms_for_fiber_dock()""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() class MockScorer1(object): short_name = 'test1' transforms_needed = 10 class MockScorer2(object): short_name = 'test2' transforms_needed = 3 in_transforms = 'foo' open(in_transforms, 'w').write(""" receptorPdb (str) 2p4e.pdb ligandPdb (str) antibody_cut.pdb 18901 | -4.9370 | 1 | 9 |2.44620 0.74390 2.01370 32.03100 36.50100 74.97570 25924 | -4.6170 | 2 | 3 |0.91100 0.68300 -0.12270 15.18620 66.08760 62.19710 11663 | -4.4110 | 3 | 3 |2.07170 0.92170 2.35490 28.79510 33.55630 67.50950 23569 | -4.0800 | 4 | 11 |-1.67500 -0.39110 3.01710 2.30350 13.13610 -1.50930 """) fn = idock.get_transforms_for_fiber_dock([MockScorer1(), MockScorer2()], in_transforms) lines = open(fn).readlines() self.assertEqual(len(lines), 3) self.assertEqual(lines[0].rstrip('\r\n'), "18901 2.44620 0.74390 2.01370 32.03100 36.50100 74.97570") self.assertEqual(fn, 'trans_for_fd_test1_test2') os.unlink(fn) os.unlink(in_transforms) def test_add_hydrogens(self): """Test add_hydrogens()""" app, old_run_binary, dock = self.make_idock_with_captured_subprocess() try: fn = dock.add_hydrogens('foo.pdb') self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, (None, 'reduce', ['-OH', '-HIS', '-NOADJ', '-NOROTMET', 'foo.pdb'])) self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_keys, {'out_file':'foo.pdb.HB'}) self.assertEqual(fn, 'foo.pdb.HB') finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary def test_make_fiber_dock_parameters(self): """Test make_fiber_dock_parameters()""" class MockScorer(object): short_name = 'mock' app, old_run_binary, dock = self.make_idock_with_captured_subprocess() try: dock.opts.fiber_dock = 'fd_dir' dock.opts.prefix = '' dock.opts.type = 'AA' params, out = dock.make_fiber_dock_parameters([MockScorer()], 'recep.HB', 'lig.HB', 'test_trans') self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, ('fd_dir', '', ['recep.HB', 'lig.HB', 'U', 'U', 'AA', 'test_trans', 'fd_res_mock', '0', '50', '0.8', '0', 'glpk', 'params_fd_mock.txt'])) self.assertEqual(params, 'params_fd_mock.txt') self.assertEqual(out, 'fd_res_mock.ref') finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary def test_do_fiber_dock_docking(self): """Test do_fiber_dock_docking()""" def do_dock(): app, old_run_binary, dock \ = self.make_idock_with_captured_subprocess() dock.opts.fiber_dock = 'fd_dir' dock.opts.prefix = '' dock.do_fiber_dock_docking('in_trans', 'params', 'fd_out') return app, old_run_binary, dock if os.path.exists('fd_out'): os.unlink('fd_out') open('in_trans', 'w').write('trans\n' * 3) app, old_run_binary, dock = do_dock() try: self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, ('fd_dir', 'FiberDock', ['params'])) finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary # FiberDock should still be run if fd_out is too short open('fd_out', 'w').write('foo\n') app, old_run_binary, dock = do_dock() try: self.assertEqual(dock.run_binary_args, ('fd_dir', 'FiberDock', ['params'])) finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary # FiberDock should be skipped if fd_out is long enough open('fd_out', 'w').write(""" Sol # | glob | aVdW | rVdW | ACE | inside | aElec | rElec | laElec | lrElec | hb | piS | catpiS | aliph | prob | BBdeform | 1 | -20.01 | -16.03 | 3.97 | 5.64 | 15.82 | -8.53 | 0.00 | -8.41 | 4.76 | 0.00 | -5.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |2.57 0.76 1.77 33.15 35.83 73.77 | | 2 | -14.43 | -15.32 | 9.84 | 1.44 | 15.25 | -57.83 | 130.98 | -26.15 | 26.80 | 0.00 | -16.50 | 0.00 | -2.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |1.14 0.80 -0.11 9.81 62.06 63.74 | | 3 | 13.94 | -18.35 | 8.34 | 14.71 | 15.73 | -19.89 | 59.33 | -17.14 | 24.47 | -0.30 | -4.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |2.05 1.10 2.19 29.46 32.01 66.74 | | """) app, old_run_binary, dock = do_dock() try: self.assertEqual(hasattr(dock, 'run_binary_args'), False) finally: app._run_binary = old_run_binary os.unlink('fd_out') os.unlink('in_trans') def test_convert_fiber_dock_to_score(self): """Test convert_fiber_dock_to_score()""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() class MockScorer(object): short_name = 'mock' open('firedock.output', 'w').write(""" ################################################# Sol # | inside | aVdW | rVdW | ACE | glob | aElec | rElec | laElec | lrElec | hb | piS | catpiS | aliph | prob | BBdeform | 1 | 15.82 | -16.03 | 3.97 | 5.64 | -20.01 | -8.53 | 0.00 | -8.41 | 4.76 | 0.00 | -5.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |2.57 0.76 1.77 33.15 35.83 73.77 2 | 15.25 | -15.32 | 9.84 | 1.44 | -14.43 | -57.83 | 130.98 | -26.15 | 26.80 | 0.00 | -16.50 | 0.00 | -2.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |1.14 0.80 -0.11 9.81 62.06 63.74 3 | 15.73 | -18.35 | 8.34 | 14.71 | 13.94 | -19.89 | 59.33 | -17.14 | 24.47 | -0.30 | -4.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |2.05 1.10 2.19 29.46 32.01 66.74 | | """) open('fiberdock.output', 'w').write(""" ################################################# Sol # | glob | aVdW | rVdW | ACE | inside | aElec | rElec | laElec | lrElec | hb | piS | catpiS | aliph | prob | BBdeform | 1 | -20.01 | -16.03 | 3.97 | 5.64 | 15.82 | -8.53 | 0.00 | -8.41 | 4.76 | 0.00 | -5.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |2.57 0.76 1.77 33.15 35.83 73.77 | | 2 | -14.43 | -15.32 | 9.84 | 1.44 | 15.25 | -57.83 | 130.98 | -26.15 | 26.80 | 0.00 | -16.50 | 0.00 | -2.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |1.14 0.80 -0.11 9.81 62.06 63.74 | | 3 | 13.94 | -18.35 | 8.34 | 14.71 | 15.73 | -19.89 | 59.33 | -17.14 | 24.47 | -0.30 | -4.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |2.05 1.10 2.19 29.46 32.01 66.74 | | """) for in_fn in ('fiberdock.output', 'firedock.output'): fn = idock.convert_fiber_dock_to_score([MockScorer()], in_fn) self.assertEqual(fn, 'fd_res_mock.res') lines = open(fn).readlines() self.assertEqual(len(lines), 4) self.assertEqual(lines[1].strip(' \r\n'), "1 | -20.010 | + | -0.886 | 2.57 0.76 1.77 33.15 35.83 73.77") os.unlink(fn) os.unlink(in_fn) def test_run_fiber_dock(self): """Test run_fiber_dock()""" app = self.import_python_application('') class Dummy(app.IDock): def get_transforms_for_fiber_dock(self, scorers, transforms_file): return transforms_file + '_fd' def add_hydrogens(self, in_pdb): return in_pdb + '.HB' def make_fiber_dock_parameters(self, scorers, receptorH, ligandH, trans_for_fd): return 'tparams', trans_for_fd + '_' + receptorH + '_' + ligandH def do_fiber_dock_docking(self, trans_for_fd, params, fd_out): self.params = params def convert_fiber_dock_to_score(self, scorers, fd_out): return self.params + '_' + scorers[0] + '_' + fd_out class Opts(object): pass dock = Dummy() dock.opts = Opts() dock.receptor = 'testrecep' dock.ligand = 'testlig' fn = dock.run_fiber_dock(['mockscore'], 'in_trans') self.assertEqual(fn, ('in_trans_fd', 'tparams_mockscore_in_trans_fd_testrecep.HB_testlig.HB')) def test_combine_final_scores(self): """Test combine_final_scores()""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() idock.opts.prefix = '' idock.opts.map_file = 'test.mrc' s = app.EM3DScorer(idock) open('em3d_scoref.res', 'w').write(""" # | 1-CC |filter| Zscore | Transformation 1 | 0.196 | - | 2.45 | 2.423 0.1092 -0.2944 36.17 -8.459 49.66 2 | 0.221 | + | 3.19 | 2.674 0.4152 -0.7746 33.23 -4.204 31.47 3 | 0.233 | + | 3.53 | 2.622 0.5735 -0.7227 34.3 -2.353 32.4 """) open('fd_res.res', 'w').write(""" # | Score | filt| ZScore | Transformation 1 | -20.010| - | -0.270| 2.423 0.1092 -0.2944 36.17 -8.459 49.66 2 | -14.430| + | -0.019| 2.674 0.4152 -0.7746 33.23 -4.204 31.47 3 | 13.940 | + | 1.254 | 2.622 0.5735 -0.7227 34.3 -2.353 32.4 """) fn = idock.combine_final_scores([s], 'fd_res.res') lines = open('combined_final.res').readlines() self.assertEqual(len(lines), 3) self.assertEqual(lines[1].strip(' \r\n'), '2 | 3.171 | + | -1.000 | 0.221 | 3.190 | -14.430 |' ' -0.019 | 2.674 0.4152 -0.7746 33.23 -4.204 31.47') os.unlink('em3d_scoref.res') os.unlink('fd_res.res') os.unlink('combined_final.res') def test_write_results(self): """Test write_results()""" app, idock = self.get_dummy_idock_for_scorer() idock.opts.prefix = '' class MockScorer(object): short_name = 'mock' open('comb_final', 'w').write(""" # | Score | filt| ZScore | Score0 | Zscore0 |Score1 | Zscore1 |Transformation 18901 | -5.225 | + | -3.318 | 16.304 | -1.454 | 0.685 | -1.829 | 2.4462 0.7439 2.0137 32.0310 36.5010 74.9757 25924 | -3.976 | + | -4.525 | 15.486 | -2.746 | 0.670 | -1.029 | 0.9110 0.6830 -0.1227 15.1862 66.0876 62.1971 11663 | -2.537 | + | -1.611 | 16.079 | -1.809 | 0.677 | -1.402 | 2.0717 0.9217 2.3549 28.7951 33.5563 67.5095 """) fn = idock.write_results([MockScorer()], 'comb_final') self.assertEqual(fn, 'results_mock.txt') lines = open('results_mock.txt').readlines() self.assertEqual(len(lines), 6) self.assertEqual(lines[3].strip(' \r\n'), "1 | -3.976 | + | -4.525 | 15.486 | -2.746 | 0.670 | -1.029 " "| 0.9110 0.6830 -0.1227 15.1862 66.0876 62.1971") os.unlink('comb_final') os.unlink('results_mock.txt') def test_main(self): """Test IDock.main()""" app = self.import_python_application('') class MockDock(app.IDock): def run_patch_dock_binary(s, binary, args): # Skip surface/parameters; copy example PatchDock output # instead of running PatchDock itself if 'patch_dock' in binary: shutil.copy(self.get_input_file_name('docking.res'), '.') elif 'interface_cluster' in binary: shutil.copy(self.get_input_file_name('clustered_cxms.res'), '.') def run_fiber_dock_binary(s, binary, args): # Skip parameters; copy example FiberDock output # instead of running FiberDock itself if 'Params' not in binary: shutil.copy(self.get_input_file_name('fd_res_cxms.ref'), '.') def add_hydrogens(self, in_pdb): # Skip running reduce return in_pdb + '.HB' old_sys_argv = sys.argv try: sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], self.get_input_file_name('testrecep.pdb'), self.get_input_file_name('testlig.pdb'), '--cxms', self.get_input_file_name('testcxms.txt')] dock = MockDock() dock.main() lines = open('results_cxms.txt').readlines() self.assertEqual(len(lines), 10) self.assertEqual(lines[3].strip(' \r\n'), '1 | -1.603 | + | -1.301 | 0.004 | 0.579 | -10.200 |' ' -2.182 | -0.9194 -1.0958 -2.0672 -2.7843 -1.1249 -3.0764') for f in ['clustered_cxms.res', 'combined_final.res', 'cxms_score.res', 'cxms_scoref.res', 'docking.res', 'fd_res_cxms.ref', 'fd_res_cxms.res', 'results_cxms.txt', 'trans_for_cluster', 'trans_for_fd_cxms']: os.unlink(f) finally: sys.argv = old_sys_argv if __name__ == '__main__': IMP.test.main()