/** * \file IMP/atom/element.h \brief Define the elements used in \imp. * * Copyright 2007-2013 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved. * */ #ifndef IMPATOM_ELEMENT_H #define IMPATOM_ELEMENT_H #include #include #include #include #include #include IMPATOM_BEGIN_NAMESPACE //! The various elements currently supported/known. enum Element {UNKNOWN_ELEMENT=0, #ifndef IMP_DOXYGEN OH=-1, H2O=-2, #endif H= 1, He= 2, Li= 3, Be= 4, B= 5, C= 6, N= 7, O= 8, F= 9, Ne= 10, Na= 11, Mg= 12, Al= 13, Si= 14, P= 15, S= 16, Cl= 17, Ar= 18, K= 19, Ca= 20, Sc= 21, Ti= 22, V= 23, Cr= 24, Mn= 25, Fe= 26, Co= 27, Ni= 28, Cu= 29, Zn= 30, Ga= 31, Ge= 32, As= 33, Se= 34, Br= 35, Kr= 36, Rb= 37, Sr= 38, Y= 39, Zr= 40, Nb= 41, Mo= 42, Tc= 43, Ru= 44, Rh= 45, Pd= 46, Ag= 47, Cd= 48, In= 49, Sn= 50, Sb= 51, Te= 52, I= 53, Xe= 54, Cs= 55, Ba= 56, La= 57, Ce= 58, Pr= 59, Nd= 60, Pm= 61, Sm= 62, Eu= 63, Gd= 64, Tb= 65, Dy= 66, Ho= 67, Er= 68, Tm= 69, Yb= 70, Lu= 71, Hf= 72, Ta= 73, W= 74, Re= 75, Os= 76, Ir= 77, Pt= 78, Au= 79, Hg= 80, Tl= 81, Pb= 82, Bi= 83, Po= 84, At= 85, Rn= 86, Fr= 87, Ra= 88, Ac= 89, Th= 90, Pa= 91, U= 92, Np= 93, Pu= 94, Am= 95, Cm= 96, Bk= 97, Cf= 98, Es= 99, Fm= 100, Md= 101, No= 102, Lr= 103, Db= 104, Jl= 105, Rf= 106 #ifndef IMP_DOXYGEN , NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS = 107 #endif }; #ifndef IMP_DOXYGEN inline size_t hash_value(Element e) { return e; } #endif /** Class to translate between element symbols, names and masses.*/ class IMPATOMEXPORT ElementTable { public: ElementTable(); //! get element from the string name (PDB columns 77-78) Element get_element(const std::string& s) const; //! get string name for Element std::string get_name(Element e) const; //! get mass for Element Float get_mass(Element e) const { return mass_[e]; } private: struct ElementString { std::string name; Element e; }; static ElementString element_strings_[]; static Float mass_[]; static IMP::base::map string_2_element_; static IMP::base::map element_2_string_; }; IMPATOMEXPORT ElementTable &get_element_table(); IMPATOM_END_NAMESPACE #endif /* IMPATOM_ELEMENT_H */