/** * \file IMP/example/optimizing.h * \brief A simple unary function. * * Copyright 2007-2013 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved. * */ #ifndef IMPEXAMPLE_OPTIMIZING_H #define IMPEXAMPLE_OPTIMIZING_H #include #include #include #include #include #include IMPEXAMPLE_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /** Create a serial mover from a list of core::XYZR particles. */ IMPEXAMPLEEXPORT core::MonteCarloMover* create_serial_mover(const ParticlesTemp &ps); /** Take a set of core::XYZR particles and relax them relative to a set of restraints. Excluded volume is handle separately, so don't include it in the passed list of restraints. \include optimize_balls.cpp */ IMPEXAMPLEEXPORT void optimize_balls(const ParticlesTemp &ps, const RestraintsTemp &rs=RestraintsTemp(), const PairPredicates &excluded =PairPredicates(), const OptimizerStates &opt_states =OptimizerStates(), base::LogLevel ll=base::DEFAULT); IMPEXAMPLE_END_NAMESPACE #endif /* IMPEXAMPLE_OPTIMIZING_H */