/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "Encoder.hh" #include "Decoder.hh" #include "Compiler.hh" #include "ValidSchema.hh" #include "Generic.hh" #include "Specific.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace rmf_avro { namespace parsing { static const unsigned int count = 10; /** * A bunch of tests that share quite a lot of infrastructure between them. * The basic idea is to generate avro data for according to a schema and * then read back and compare the data with the original. But quite a few * variations are possible: * 1. While reading back, one can skip different data elements * 2. While reading resolve against a reader's schema. The resolver may * promote data type, convert from union to plain data type and vice versa, * insert or remove fields in records or reorder fields in a record. * * To test Json encoder and decoder, we use the same technqiue with only * one difference - we use JsonEncoder and JsonDecoder. * * We also use the same infrastructure to test GenericReader and GenericWriter. * In this case, avro binary is generated in the standard way. It is read * into a GenericDatum, which in turn is written out. This newly serialized * data is decoded in the standard way to check that it is what is written. The * last step won't work if there is schema for reading is different from * that for writing. This is because any reordering of fields would have * got fixed by the GenericDatum's decoding and encoding step. * * For most tests, the data is generated at random. */ using std::string; using std::vector; using std::stack; using std::pair; using std::make_pair; using std::istringstream; using std::ostringstream; using std::back_inserter; using std::copy; using std::auto_ptr; template T from_string(const std::string& s) { istringstream iss(s); T result; iss >> result; return result; } template <> vector from_string(const std::string& s) { vector result; result.reserve(s.size()); copy(s.begin(), s.end(), back_inserter(result)); return result; } template std::string to_string(const T& t) { ostringstream oss; oss << t; return oss.str(); } template <> std::string to_string(const vector& t) { string result; copy(t.begin(), t.end(), back_inserter(result)); return result; } class Scanner { const char *p; const char * const end; public: Scanner(const char* calls) : p(calls), end(calls + strlen(calls)) { } Scanner(const char* calls, size_t len) : p(calls), end(calls + len) { } char advance() { return *p++; } int extractInt() { int result = 0; while (p < end) { if (isdigit(*p)) { result *= 10; result += *p++ - '0'; } else { break; } } return result; } bool isDone() const { return p == end; } }; boost::mt19937 rnd; static string randomString(size_t len) { std::string result; result.reserve(len + 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { char c = static_cast(rnd()) & 0x7f; if (c == '\0') { c = '\x7f'; } result.push_back(c); } return result; } static vector randomBytes(size_t len) { vector result; result.reserve(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { result.push_back(rnd()); } return result; } static vector randomValues(const char* calls) { Scanner sc(calls); vector result; while (! sc.isDone()) { char c = sc.advance(); switch (c) { case 'B': result.push_back(to_string(rnd() % 2 == 0)); break; case 'I': result.push_back(to_string(static_cast(rnd()))); break; case 'L': result.push_back(to_string(rnd() | static_cast(rnd()) << 32)); break; case 'F': result.push_back( to_string(static_cast(rnd()) / static_cast(rnd()))); break; case 'D': result.push_back( to_string(static_cast(rnd()) / static_cast(rnd()))); break; case 'S': case 'K': result.push_back(to_string(randomString(sc.extractInt()))); break; case 'b': case 'f': result.push_back(to_string(randomBytes(sc.extractInt()))); break; case 'e': case 'c': case 'U': sc.extractInt(); break; case 'N': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': case 's': break; default: BOOST_FAIL("Unknown mnemonic: " << c); } } return result; } static auto_ptr generate(Encoder& e, const char* calls, const vector& values) { Scanner sc(calls); vector::const_iterator it = values.begin(); auto_ptr ob = memoryOutputStream(); e.init(*ob); while (! sc.isDone()) { char c = sc.advance(); switch (c) { case 'N': e.encodeNull(); break; case 'B': e.encodeBool(from_string(*it++)); break; case 'I': e.encodeInt(from_string(*it++)); break; case 'L': e.encodeLong(from_string(*it++)); break; case 'F': e.encodeFloat(from_string(*it++)); break; case 'D': e.encodeDouble(from_string(*it++)); break; case 'S': case 'K': sc.extractInt(); e.encodeString(from_string(*it++)); break; case 'b': sc.extractInt(); e.encodeBytes(from_string >(*it++)); break; case 'f': sc.extractInt(); e.encodeFixed(from_string >(*it++)); break; case 'e': e.encodeEnum(sc.extractInt()); break; case '[': e.arrayStart(); break; case ']': e.arrayEnd(); break; case '{': e.mapStart(); break; case '}': e.mapEnd(); break; case 'c': e.setItemCount(sc.extractInt()); break; case 's': e.startItem(); break; case 'U': e.encodeUnionIndex(sc.extractInt()); break; default: BOOST_FAIL("Unknown mnemonic: " << c); } } e.flush(); return ob; } namespace { struct StackElement { size_t size; size_t count; bool isArray; StackElement(size_t s, bool a) : size(s), count(0), isArray(a) { } }; } static vector::const_iterator skipCalls(Scanner& sc, Decoder& d, vector::const_iterator it, bool isArray) { char end = isArray ? ']' : '}'; int level = 0; while (! sc.isDone()) { char c = sc.advance(); switch (c) { case '[': case '{': ++level; break; case ']': case '}': if (c == end && level == 0) { return it; } --level; break; case 'B': case 'I': case 'L': case 'F': case 'D': ++it; break; case 'S': case 'K': case 'b': case 'f': case 'e': ++it; // Fall through. case 'c': case 'U': sc.extractInt(); break; case 's': case 'N': break; default: BOOST_FAIL("Don't know how to skip: " << c); } } BOOST_FAIL("End reached while trying to skip"); throw 0; // Just to keep the compiler happy. } static void check(Decoder& d, unsigned int skipLevel, const char* calls, const vector& values) { const size_t zero = 0; Scanner sc(calls); stack containerStack; vector::const_iterator it = values.begin(); while (! sc.isDone()) { char c = sc.advance(); switch (c) { case 'N': d.decodeNull(); break; case 'B': { bool b1 = d.decodeBool(); bool b2 = from_string(*it++); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(b1, b2); } break; case 'I': { int32_t b1 = d.decodeInt(); int32_t b2 = from_string(*it++); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(b1, b2); } break; case 'L': { int64_t b1 = d.decodeLong(); int64_t b2 = from_string(*it++); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(b1, b2); } break; case 'F': { float b1 = d.decodeFloat(); float b2 = from_string(*it++); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(b1, b2, 0.001f); } break; case 'D': { double b1 = d.decodeDouble(); double b2 = from_string(*it++); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(b1, b2, 0.001f); } break; case 'S': case 'K': sc.extractInt(); if (containerStack.size() >= skipLevel) { d.skipString(); } else { string b1 = d.decodeString(); string b2 = from_string(*it); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(b1, b2); } ++it; break; case 'b': sc.extractInt(); if (containerStack.size() >= skipLevel) { d.skipBytes(); } else { vector b1 = d.decodeBytes(); vector b2 = from_string >(*it); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(b1.begin(), b1.end(), b2.begin(), b2.end()); } ++it; break; case 'f': { size_t len = sc.extractInt(); if (containerStack.size() >= skipLevel) { d.skipFixed(len); } else { vector b1 = d.decodeFixed(len); vector b2 = from_string >(*it); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(b1.begin(), b1.end(), b2.begin(), b2.end()); } } ++it; break; case 'e': { size_t b1 = d.decodeEnum(); size_t b2 = sc.extractInt(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(b1, b2); } break; case '[': if (containerStack.size() >= skipLevel) { size_t n = d.skipArray(); if (n == 0) { it = skipCalls(sc, d, it, true); } else { containerStack.push(StackElement(n, true)); } } else { containerStack.push(StackElement(d.arrayStart(), true)); } break; case '{': if (containerStack.size() >= skipLevel) { size_t n = d.skipMap(); if (n == 0) { it = skipCalls(sc, d, it, false); } else { containerStack.push(StackElement(n, false)); } } else { containerStack.push(StackElement(d.mapStart(), false)); } break; case ']': { const StackElement& se = containerStack.top(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(se.size, se.count); if (se.size != 0) { BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(zero, d.arrayNext()); } containerStack.pop(); } break; case '}': { const StackElement& se = containerStack.top(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(se.size, se.count); if (se.size != 0) { BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(zero, d.mapNext()); } containerStack.pop(); } break; case 's': { StackElement& se = containerStack.top(); if (se.size == se.count) { se.size += (se.isArray ? d.arrayNext() : d.mapNext()); } ++se.count; } break; case 'c': sc.extractInt(); break; case 'U': { size_t idx = sc.extractInt(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(idx, d.decodeUnionIndex()); } break; case 'R': static_cast(d).fieldOrder(); continue; default: BOOST_FAIL("Unknown mnemonic: " << c); } } BOOST_CHECK(it == values.end()); } ValidSchema makeValidSchema(const char* schema) { istringstream iss(schema); ValidSchema vs; compileJsonSchema(iss, vs); return ValidSchema(vs); } void testEncoder(const EncoderPtr& e, const char* writerCalls, vector& v, auto_ptr& p) { v = randomValues(writerCalls); p = generate(*e, writerCalls, v); } static void testDecoder(const DecoderPtr& d, const vector& values, InputStream& data, const char* readerCalls, unsigned int skipLevel) { d->init(data); check(*d, skipLevel, readerCalls, values); } /** * The first member is a schema. * The second one is a sequence of (single character) mnemonics: * N null * B boolean * I int * L long * F float * D double * K followed by integer - key-name (and its length) in a map * S followed by integer - string and its length * b followed by integer - bytes and length * f followed by integer - fixed and length * c Number of items to follow in an array/map. * U followed by integer - Union and its branch * e followed by integer - Enum and its value * [ Start array * ] End array * { Start map * } End map * s start item * R Start of record in resolving situations. Client may call fieldOrder() */ struct TestData { const char* schema; const char* calls; unsigned int depth; }; struct TestData2 { const char* schema; const char* correctCalls; const char* incorrectCalls; unsigned int depth; }; struct TestData3 { const char* writerSchema; const char* writerCalls; const char* readerSchema; const char* readerCalls; unsigned int depth; }; struct TestData4 { const char* writerSchema; const char* writerCalls; const char* writerValues[100]; const char* readerSchema; const char* readerCalls; const char* readerValues[100]; unsigned int depth; }; /* static void dump(const OutputStream& os) { std::auto_ptr in = memoryInputStream(os); const char *b; size_t n; std::cout << os.byteCount() << std::endl; while (in->next(reinterpret_cast(&b), &n)) { std::cout << std::string(b, n); } std::cout << std::endl; } */ template void testCodec(const TestData& td) { static int testNo = 0; testNo++; ValidSchema vs = makeValidSchema(td.schema); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { vector v; auto_ptr p; testEncoder(CodecFactory::newEncoder(vs), td.calls, v, p); // dump(*p); for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= td.depth; ++i) { unsigned int skipLevel = td.depth - i; /* std::cout << "Test: " << testNo << ' ' << " schema: " << td.schema << " calls: " << td.calls << " skip-level: " << skipLevel << std::endl; */ BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("Test: " << testNo << ' ' << " schema: " << td.schema << " calls: " << td.calls << " skip-level: " << skipLevel); auto_ptr in = memoryInputStream(*p); testDecoder(CodecFactory::newDecoder(vs), v, *in, td.calls, skipLevel); } } } template void testCodecResolving(const TestData3& td) { static int testNo = 0; testNo++; BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("Test: " << testNo << ' ' << " writer schema: " << td.writerSchema << " writer calls: " << td.writerCalls << " reader schema: " << td.readerSchema << " reader calls: " << td.readerCalls); ValidSchema vs = makeValidSchema(td.writerSchema); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { vector v; auto_ptr p; testEncoder(CodecFactory::newEncoder(vs), td.writerCalls, v, p); // dump(*p); ValidSchema rvs = makeValidSchema(td.readerSchema); for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= td.depth; ++i) { unsigned int skipLevel = td.depth - i; BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("Test: " << testNo << ' ' << " writer schema: " << td.writerSchema << " writer calls: " << td.writerCalls << " reader schema: " << td.readerSchema << " reader calls: " << td.readerCalls << " skip-level: " << skipLevel); auto_ptr in = memoryInputStream(*p); testDecoder(CodecFactory::newDecoder(vs, rvs), v, *in, td.readerCalls, skipLevel); } } } static vector mkValues(const char* const values[]) { vector result; for (const char* const* p = values; *p; ++p) { result.push_back(*p); } return result; } template void testCodecResolving2(const TestData4& td) { static int testNo = 0; testNo++; BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("Test: " << testNo << ' ' << " writer schema: " << td.writerSchema << " writer calls: " << td.writerCalls << " reader schema: " << td.readerSchema << " reader calls: " << td.readerCalls); ValidSchema vs = makeValidSchema(td.writerSchema); vector wd = mkValues(td.writerValues); auto_ptr p = generate(*CodecFactory::newEncoder(vs), td.writerCalls, wd); // dump(*p); ValidSchema rvs = makeValidSchema(td.readerSchema); vector rd = mkValues(td.readerValues); for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= td.depth; ++i) { unsigned int skipLevel = td.depth - i; BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("Test: " << testNo << ' ' << " writer schema: " << td.writerSchema << " writer calls: " << td.writerCalls << " reader schema: " << td.readerSchema << " reader calls: " << td.readerCalls << " skip-level: " << skipLevel); auto_ptr in = memoryInputStream(*p); testDecoder(CodecFactory::newDecoder(vs, rvs), rd, *in, td.readerCalls, skipLevel); } } template void testReaderFail(const TestData2& td) { static int testNo = 0; testNo++; BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("Test: " << testNo << ' ' << " schema: " << td.schema << " correctCalls: " << td.correctCalls << " incorrectCalls: " << td.incorrectCalls << " skip-level: " << td.depth); ValidSchema vs = makeValidSchema(td.schema); vector v; auto_ptr p; testEncoder(CodecFactory::newEncoder(vs), td.correctCalls, v, p); auto_ptr in = memoryInputStream(*p); BOOST_CHECK_THROW( testDecoder(CodecFactory::newDecoder(vs), v, *in, td.incorrectCalls, td.depth), Exception); } template void testWriterFail(const TestData2& td) { static int testNo = 0; testNo++; BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("Test: " << testNo << ' ' << " schema: " << td.schema << " incorrectCalls: " << td.incorrectCalls); ValidSchema vs = makeValidSchema(td.schema); vector v; auto_ptr p; BOOST_CHECK_THROW(testEncoder(CodecFactory::newEncoder(vs), td.incorrectCalls, v, p), Exception); } template void testGeneric(const TestData& td) { static int testNo = 0; testNo++; ValidSchema vs = makeValidSchema(td.schema); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { vector v; auto_ptr p; testEncoder(CodecFactory::newEncoder(vs), td.calls, v, p); // dump(*p); DecoderPtr d1 = CodecFactory::newDecoder(vs); auto_ptr in1 = memoryInputStream(*p); d1->init(*in1); GenericDatum datum(vs); rmf_avro::decode(*d1, datum); EncoderPtr e2 = CodecFactory::newEncoder(vs); auto_ptr ob = memoryOutputStream(); e2->init(*ob); rmf_avro::encode(*e2, datum); e2->flush(); BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("Test: " << testNo << ' ' << " schema: " << td.schema << " calls: " << td.calls); auto_ptr in2 = memoryInputStream(*ob); testDecoder(CodecFactory::newDecoder(vs), v, *in2, td.calls, td.depth); } } template void testGenericResolving(const TestData3& td) { static int testNo = 0; testNo++; BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("Test: " << testNo << ' ' << " writer schema: " << td.writerSchema << " writer calls: " << td.writerCalls << " reader schema: " << td.readerSchema << " reader calls: " << td.readerCalls); ValidSchema wvs = makeValidSchema(td.writerSchema); ValidSchema rvs = makeValidSchema(td.readerSchema); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { vector v; auto_ptr p; testEncoder(CodecFactory::newEncoder(wvs), td.writerCalls, v, p); // dump(*p); DecoderPtr d1 = CodecFactory::newDecoder(wvs); auto_ptr in1 = memoryInputStream(*p); d1->init(*in1); GenericReader gr(wvs, rvs, d1); GenericDatum datum; gr.read(datum); EncoderPtr e2 = CodecFactory::newEncoder(rvs); auto_ptr ob = memoryOutputStream(); e2->init(*ob); rmf_avro::encode(*e2, datum); e2->flush(); BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("Test: " << testNo << ' ' << " writer-schemai " << td.writerSchema << " writer-calls: " << td.writerCalls << " reader-schema: " << td.readerSchema << " calls: " << td.readerCalls); auto_ptr in2 = memoryInputStream(*ob); testDecoder(CodecFactory::newDecoder(rvs), v, *in2, td.readerCalls, td.depth); } } template void testGenericResolving2(const TestData4& td) { static int testNo = 0; testNo++; BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("Test: " << testNo << ' ' << " writer schema: " << td.writerSchema << " writer calls: " << td.writerCalls << " reader schema: " << td.readerSchema << " reader calls: " << td.readerCalls); ValidSchema wvs = makeValidSchema(td.writerSchema); ValidSchema rvs = makeValidSchema(td.readerSchema); const vector wd = mkValues(td.writerValues); auto_ptr p = generate(*CodecFactory::newEncoder(wvs), td.writerCalls, wd); // dump(*p); DecoderPtr d1 = CodecFactory::newDecoder(wvs); auto_ptr in1 = memoryInputStream(*p); d1->init(*in1); GenericReader gr(wvs, rvs, d1); GenericDatum datum; gr.read(datum); EncoderPtr e2 = CodecFactory::newEncoder(rvs); auto_ptr ob = memoryOutputStream(); e2->init(*ob); rmf_avro::encode(*e2, datum); e2->flush(); // We cannot verify with the reader calls because they are for // the resolving decoder and hence could be in a different order than // the "normal" data. } static const TestData data[] = { { "\"null\"", "N", 1 }, { "\"boolean\"", "B", 1 }, { "\"int\"", "I", 1 }, { "\"long\"", "L", 1 }, { "\"float\"", "F", 1 }, { "\"double\"", "D", 1 }, { "\"string\"", "S0", 1 }, { "\"string\"", "S10", 1 }, { "\"bytes\"", "b0", 1 }, { "\"bytes\"", "b10", 1 }, { "{\"type\":\"fixed\", \"name\":\"fi\", \"size\": 1}", "f1", 1 }, { "{\"type\":\"fixed\", \"name\":\"fi\", \"size\": 10}", "f10", 1 }, { "{\"type\":\"enum\", \"name\":\"en\", \"symbols\":[\"v1\", \"v2\"]}", "e1", 1 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"boolean\"}", "[]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"int\"}", "[]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"long\"}", "[]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"float\"}", "[]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"double\"}", "[]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"string\"}", "[]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"bytes\"}", "[]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\":{\"type\":\"fixed\", " "\"name\":\"fi\", \"size\": 10}}", "[]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"boolean\"}", "[c1sB]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"int\"}", "[c1sI]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"long\"}", "[c1sL]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"float\"}", "[c1sF]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"double\"}", "[c1sD]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"string\"}", "[c1sS10]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"bytes\"}", "[c1sb10]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"int\"}", "[c1sIc1sI]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"int\"}", "[c2sIsI]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\":{\"type\":\"fixed\", " "\"name\":\"fi\", \"size\": 10}}", "[c2sf10sf10]", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"boolean\"}", "{}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"int\"}", "{}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"long\"}", "{}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"float\"}", "{}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"double\"}", "{}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"string\"}", "{}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"bytes\"}", "{}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": " "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\":\"int\"}}", "{}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"boolean\"}", "{c1sK5B}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"int\"}", "{c1sK5I}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"long\"}", "{c1sK5L}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"float\"}", "{c1sK5F}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"double\"}", "{c1sK5D}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"string\"}", "{c1sK5S10}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"bytes\"}", "{c1sK5b10}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": " "{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\":\"int\"}}", "{c1sK5[c3sIsIsI]}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"boolean\"}", "{c1sK5Bc2sK5BsK5B}", 2 }, { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"r\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f\", \"type\":\"boolean\"}]}", "B", 1 }, { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"r\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f\", \"type\":\"int\"}]}", "I", 1 }, { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"r\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f\", \"type\":\"long\"}]}", "L", 1 }, { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"r\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f\", \"type\":\"float\"}]}", "F", 1 }, { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"r\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f\", \"type\":\"double\"}]}", "D", 1 }, { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"r\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f\", \"type\":\"string\"}]}", "S10", 1 }, { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"r\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f\", \"type\":\"bytes\"}]}", "b10", 1 }, // multi-field records { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"r\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f1\", \"type\":\"int\"}," "{\"name\":\"f2\", \"type\":\"double\"}," "{\"name\":\"f3\", \"type\":\"string\"}]}", "IDS10", 1 }, { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"r\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f0\", \"type\":\"null\"}," "{\"name\":\"f1\", \"type\":\"boolean\"}," "{\"name\":\"f2\", \"type\":\"int\"}," "{\"name\":\"f3\", \"type\":\"long\"}," "{\"name\":\"f4\", \"type\":\"float\"}," "{\"name\":\"f5\", \"type\":\"double\"}," "{\"name\":\"f6\", \"type\":\"string\"}," "{\"name\":\"f7\", \"type\":\"bytes\"}]}", "NBILFDS10b25", 1 }, // record of records { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"outer\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f1\", \"type\":{\"type\":\"record\", " "\"name\":\"inner\", \"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"g1\", \"type\":\"int\"}, {\"name\":\"g2\", " "\"type\":\"double\"}]}}," "{\"name\":\"f2\", \"type\":\"string\"}," "{\"name\":\"f3\", \"type\":\"inner\"}]}", "IDS10ID", 1 }, // record with name references { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"r\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f1\", \"type\":{\"type\":\"fixed\", " "\"name\":\"f\", \"size\":10 }}," "{\"name\":\"f2\", \"type\":\"f\"}," "{\"name\":\"f3\", \"type\":\"f\"}]}", "f10f10f10", 1 }, { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"r\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f1\", \"type\":{\"type\":\"enum\", " "\"name\": \"e\", \"symbols\":[\"s1\", \"s2\"] }}," "{\"name\":\"f2\", \"type\":\"e\"}," "{\"name\":\"f3\", \"type\":\"e\"}]}", "e1e0e1", 1 }, // record with array { "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"r\",\"fields\":[" "{\"name\":\"f1\", \"type\":\"long\"}," "{\"name\":\"f2\", " 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EncoderPtr newEncoder(const ValidSchema& schema) { return jsonEncoder(schema); } static DecoderPtr newDecoder(const ValidSchema& schema) { return jsonDecoder(schema); } }; struct BinaryEncoderResolvingDecoderFactory : public BinaryEncoderFactory { static DecoderPtr newDecoder(const ValidSchema& schema) { return resolvingDecoder(schema, schema, binaryDecoder()); } static DecoderPtr newDecoder(const ValidSchema& writer, const ValidSchema& reader) { return resolvingDecoder(writer, reader, binaryDecoder()); } }; struct ValidatingEncoderResolvingDecoderFactory : public ValidatingEncoderFactory { static DecoderPtr newDecoder(const ValidSchema& schema) { return resolvingDecoder(schema, schema, validatingDecoder(schema, binaryDecoder())); } static DecoderPtr newDecoder(const ValidSchema& writer, const ValidSchema& reader) { return resolvingDecoder(writer, reader, validatingDecoder(writer, binaryDecoder())); } }; void add_tests(boost::unit_test::test_suite& ts) { ADD_TESTS(ts, BinaryCodecFactory, testCodec, data); ADD_TESTS(ts, ValidatingCodecFactory, testCodec, data); ADD_TESTS(ts, JsonCodec, testCodec, data); ADD_TESTS(ts, BinaryEncoderResolvingDecoderFactory, testCodec, data); ADD_TESTS(ts, ValidatingCodecFactory, testReaderFail, data2); ADD_TESTS(ts, ValidatingCodecFactory, testWriterFail, data2); ADD_TESTS(ts, BinaryEncoderResolvingDecoderFactory, testCodecResolving, data3); ADD_TESTS(ts, BinaryEncoderResolvingDecoderFactory, testCodecResolving2, data4); ADD_TESTS(ts, ValidatingEncoderResolvingDecoderFactory, testCodecResolving2, data4); ADD_TESTS(ts, ValidatingCodecFactory, testGeneric, data); ADD_TESTS(ts, ValidatingCodecFactory, testGenericResolving, data3); ADD_TESTS(ts, ValidatingCodecFactory, testGenericResolving2, data4); } } // namespace parsing static void testStreamLifetimes() { EncoderPtr e = binaryEncoder(); { std::auto_ptr s1 = memoryOutputStream(); e->init(*s1); e->encodeInt(100); e->encodeDouble(4.73); e->flush(); } { std::auto_ptr s2 = memoryOutputStream(); e->init(*s2); e->encodeDouble(3.14); e->flush(); } } } // namespace rmf_avro boost::unit_test::test_suite* init_unit_test_suite( int argc, char* argv[] ) { using namespace boost::unit_test; test_suite* ts= BOOST_TEST_SUITE("Avro C++ unit tests for codecs"); rmf_avro::parsing::add_tests(*ts); ts->add(BOOST_TEST_CASE(rmf_avro::testStreamLifetimes)); return ts; }