/** * \file KMCentersTree.cpp \brief A tree that handles point partition * * Copyright 2007-2013 IMP Inventors. All rights reserved. * */ #include #include IMPSTATISTICS_BEGIN_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE KMCentersTree::KMCentersTree( KMData *data_points,KMCenters *centers, KMPoint *bb_lo, KMPoint *bb_hi) : centers_(centers){ data_points_ = data_points; Ints pid; skeleton_tree(pid,bb_lo, bb_hi); root_ = build_tree(0, data_points_->get_number_of_points()-1,0); IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("KMCentersTree const end build tree "<< std::endl); root_->compute_sums(); IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("KMCentersTree const end compute sums "<< std::endl); //TODO - should we use the ignore stuff // root_->compute_sums(ignoreMe1, ignoreMe2, ignoreMe3); // IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(ignoreMe1 == data_points_->get_number_of_points(), // "calculate sums should have included all of the points"); } //TODO: check if we need to add anything KMCentersTree::~KMCentersTree() { if (root_ != nullptr) delete root_; } KMPoint KMCentersTree::sample_center() { KMPoint p = root_->sample_center(); //TODO - should we have this ? // for (int i = 0; i < dim_; i++) { // IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK( bb_save.lo[i] == bnd_box_.lo[i] && // bb_save.hi[i] == bnd_box_.hi[i], // "the bounding box was changed during sample_center"); // } return p; } void KMCentersTree::show(std::ostream &out) { //TODO - consider uncommenting //out << " Points:\n"; //print_points("Points:\n",*(data_points_->get_points()),out); if (root_ == nullptr) out << " Null tree.\n"; else { root_->show(out); } } void KMCentersTree::get_assignments(Ints &close_center) { IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("KMCentersTree::get_assignments for " << centers_->get_number_of_centers() << " centers "<get_number_of_centers(); j++) { candidate_centers.push_back(j); } close_center.clear(); for(int i=0;iget_number_of_points();i++) { close_center.push_back(0); } root_->get_assignments(candidate_centers,close_center); } void KMCentersTree::skeleton_tree(const Ints &p_id, KMPoint *bb_lo,KMPoint *bb_hi) { //TODO: where do get n from ? IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(data_points_ != nullptr, "Points must be supplied to construct tree."); if (p_id.size() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < data_points_->get_number_of_points(); i++) p_id_.push_back(i); } else { for (int i = 0; i < data_points_->get_number_of_points(); i++) p_id_.push_back(p_id[i]); } if (bb_lo == nullptr || bb_hi == nullptr) { bnd_box_ = bounding_rectangle(0,data_points_->get_number_of_points()-1);; } // if points are provided, use it if (bb_lo != nullptr) { copy_point(bb_lo,bnd_box_->get_point(0)); } if (bb_hi != nullptr) { copy_point(bb_hi,bnd_box_->get_point(1)); } root_ = nullptr; } KMCentersNode *KMCentersTree::build_tree(int start_ind,int end_ind, int level) { IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("build tree for point indexes: " << start_ind << " to " << end_ind << std::endl); if (end_ind-start_ind<=1){ Ints curr_inds; for(int i=start_ind;i<=end_ind;i++) { curr_inds.push_back(i); } return new KMCentersNodeLeaf(level,*bnd_box_,centers_,curr_inds); } int cd=0; //the cutting dimension double cv;//the cutting value int n_lo; // number on low side of cut KMCentersNode *lo, *hi; // low and high children //split the data points along a dimension. The split data is stored in pidx split_by_mid_point(start_ind, end_ind, cd, cv, n_lo); IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("splitting points with indexes : " << start_ind << " to " << end_ind << " the splitting dimension is: " << cd << " with value: "<< cv << " the last point for the left side is: " << n_lo << std::endl); KMPoint *lo_p,*hi_p; lo_p = bnd_box_->get_point(0); hi_p = bnd_box_->get_point(1); double lv = (*lo_p)[cd]; double hv = (*hi_p)[cd]; (*hi_p)[cd] = cv; //build left subtree from p_id[0,...,n_lo-1] lo = build_tree(start_ind,n_lo-1,level+1); (*hi_p)[cd] = hv;// restore bounds (*lo_p)[cd] = cv;// modify bounds for right subtree // build right subtree from p_id[n_lo..n-1] hi = build_tree(n_lo, end_ind,level+1); (*lo_p)[cd] = lv; // create the splitting node KMCentersNodeSplit *ptr = new KMCentersNodeSplit(level,*bnd_box_, centers_,cd, cv, lv, hv, lo, hi); return ptr; } void KMCentersTree::get_neighbors(KMPointArray *sums, Floats *sum_sqs,Ints *weights) { Ints cand_ind; IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("KMCentersTree::get_neighbors start number of centers: " << centers_->get_number_of_centers() << "\n"); for (int j = 0; j < centers_->get_number_of_centers(); j++) { cand_ind.push_back(j); } root_->get_neighbors(cand_ind,sums,sum_sqs,weights); IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("KMCentersTree::get_neighbors end\n"); } std::pair KMCentersTree::split_by_plane( int start_ind, int end_ind, int dim, double cv) { int l = start_ind; int r = end_ind; //switch indexes of p_id_ such that //data_points_[start_ind..x-1] < cv <= data_points_[x..end_ind] for(;;) { while (l <= end_ind && get_value(l,dim) < cv) l++; while (r >= start_ind && get_value(r,dim) >= cv) r--; if (l > r) break; //swap points int tmp = p_id_[l]; p_id_[l] = p_id_[r]; p_id_[r] = tmp; l++; r--; } std::pair break_ind; break_ind.first = l; r = end_ind; // partition data_points_[x..end_ind] about cv for(;;) { while (l = break_ind.first && get_value(r,dim) > cv) r--; if (l > r) break; int tmp = p_id_[l]; p_id_[l] = p_id_[r]; p_id_[r] = tmp; l++; r--; } break_ind.second = l; return break_ind; } void KMCentersTree::split_by_mid_point( int start_ind, int end_ind, int &cut_dim, double &cut_val, int &n_lo) { KMPoint *lo,*hi; lo = bnd_box_->get_point(0); hi = bnd_box_->get_point(1); // find the long side with the largest spread (the cutting dimension) double max_length = bnd_box_->max_length(); double max_spread = -1; for (int d = 0; d < data_points_->get_dim(); d++) { if (std::abs((*hi)[d] - (*lo)[d]-max_length) <1E-6){ double spr = spread(start_ind,end_ind,d); if (spr > max_spread) { max_spread = spr; cut_dim = d; } } } // find the splitting value double ideal_cut_val = ((*lo)[cut_dim] + (*hi)[cut_dim])/2; //min_max represent the minimal and maximal //values of points along the cutting dimension std::pair min_max = limits_along_dimension(start_ind,end_ind, cut_dim); //slide to min or max as needed if (ideal_cut_val < min_max.first) cut_val = min_max.first; else if (ideal_cut_val > min_max.second) cut_val = min_max.second; else cut_val = ideal_cut_val; // permute points accordingly std::pair break_ind = split_by_plane(start_ind,end_ind,cut_dim, cut_val); IMP_LOG_VERBOSE( "split by mid point for indexes: " << start_ind << " to " << end_ind << "break index: " << break_ind.first << " to " << break_ind.second << std::endl); //set n_lo such that each side of the split will contain at least one point n_lo = (start_ind+end_ind)/2; // if ideal_cut_val < min (y >= 1), we set n_lo = 1 (so there is one // point on left) if (ideal_cut_val < min_max.first) n_lo = start_ind+1; // if ideal_cut_val > max (x <= n-1), we set n_lo = n-1 (so there is one // point on right). else if (ideal_cut_val > min_max.second) n_lo = end_ind; // Otherwise, we select n_lo as close to the middle of [x..y] as possbile else if (break_ind.first > n_lo) n_lo = break_ind.first; else if (break_ind.second < n_lo) n_lo = break_ind.second; } double KMCentersTree::get_value(int p_id, int dim) const { return (*((*data_points_)[p_id_[p_id]]))[dim]; } KMRectangle* KMCentersTree::bounding_rectangle(int start_ind,int end_ind) { KMPoint l,h; for (int d = 0; d < data_points_->get_dim(); d++) { l.push_back(get_value(start_ind,d)); h.push_back(get_value(start_ind,d)); } for (int d = 0; d < data_points_->get_dim(); d++) { for (int i = start_ind+1; i <= end_ind; i++) { if (get_value(i,d) < l[d]) l[d] = get_value(i,d); else if (get_value(i,d) > h[d]) h[d] = get_value(i,d); } } return new KMRectangle(l,h); } double KMCentersTree::spread(int start_ind, int end_ind,int dim) { std::pair l= limits_along_dimension(start_ind,end_ind,dim); return (l.second - l.first); } std::pair KMCentersTree::limits_along_dimension(int start_ind, int end_ind, int dim) { double min,max; min = get_value(start_ind,dim); max = get_value(start_ind,dim); for (int i = start_ind+1; i <= end_ind; i++) { double c = get_value(i,dim); if (c < min) min = c; else if (c > max) max = c; } return std::pair(min,max); } IMPSTATISTICS_END_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE